Sample Job File for BRD23D
### BRD23D Job File ###
### Description ###
# This file is used to configure Artwork Conversion Software's BRD23D program.
# It is recommended that you make a copy of the default job file before making
# changes for a specific job.
# For support, please e-mail, call (831) 426-6163 or visit
# The job file is in INI format. Section names appear between square brackets.
# Settings are defined using a kay and value separated by the equals sign.
# Example:
# All lines starting with a # character are comments
# The DIRECTORIES section defines where temporary and output files created by
# BRD23D should be written. If these keys are left undefined then the default
# directory used will be the same as the input board file. Define the TEMP and
# OUTPUT keywords to override this behavior.
### LAYERS ###
# The LAYERS section defines which layers (etch/conductor subclasses in Allegro)
# will be exported. Set the layer name to YES to export.
### NETS ###
# The NETS section defines which nets to export. There are two ways to use the
# NETS section. List each net of interest on a line and set it equal to YES.
# Only those nets listed will be exported. Alternately, list each net on a line
# and set it equal to NO. All nets will be exported except those listed. Do not
# mix both formats.
### OPTIONS ###
# The OPTIONS section defines special processing of the data. Override the layer
# thickness of all layers using the LAYER_THICKNESS key, measured in design
# units. The top layer will extend upwards, away from the board, the bottom
# layer will extend downward, away from the board. Internal layers will not be
# changed, The UNIONIZE key merges all overlapping and touching geometry. The
# ARC_RECOVERY key will attempt to form arcs in the data where arcs appear to be
# present.
### OUTPUT ###
# The OUTPUT section controls the name and type of files which BRD23D will
# create. By default, BRD23D will output files which have the same name as the
# input board file, but with a different extension. If layers are not merged
# (see the LAYERS section above) then the layer name will be appended to the
# output file name. Use the FILENAME key to override this behavior and use a
# different output name. Set the MERGE key to YES to keep all layer data in one
# output file, or set it to NO to create one output file per layer. The STEP
# and PARASOLID keys control which formats are exported. Both can be set to YES
# if both formats are needed.