Downloading ASM 2600 Unix
Click below to download the version you want. Then email us with your name, organization, address, phone, fax etc.... and your hostid and hostname. We'll email the unzipping password and a set of temporary key strings. If you wish to see what features have been added or bugs have been killed check the ASM 2600 Revision History Page.
Example Email

Dear Hagai,

I would like to evaluate ASM 2600 on Linux RedHat.
I've already picked it off your ftp site.  Please send me 
temporary key strings for:

lmhostid = 20056789abff

I plan to use the program to create Electromask data from Cadence 

Thanks much, 

John Boy  
International Harvesting and IC Design 
10087 Champion Way Bldg 43
Topeka Kansas 09323
Tel (450) 132-2213      Fax(450)132-2113

Files to Download
The executable file name includes the platform info and version. Please make sure you pick up the correct binary for your machine.


[26 MB] includes PG2GDS, GDS2PG, PGCAM and GDSVU.

[11.7 MB] includes PG2GDS, GDS2PG, PGVU and GDSVU.



User Manual for ASM 2600U. 52 pages, 815 KB.


Unix Installation Guide for ASM 2600U. 52 pages, 815 KB.

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