GBR2OAFrac Command Line Syntax

gbr2oasfrac -i:[input_gbr] -o:[output_oas] [options]

gbr2oasfrac         the gbr2oasfrac program

input_gbr           input Gerber file

output_oas          output OASIS file

-workdir:[dir]      Specify working directory.

-keep               Keep intermediate work files.

-silent             Make default progress display silent.

-use_cb_progress    Use callback function for 
                    progress display. This is not a 
                    Gbr2OasFrac API Argument.

-no_term_msg        Do not display terminating message.
                    This is not a Gbr2OasFrac 
                    API Argument.

-arcres:[degrees]   Specify arc resolution in degrees.

-arcsag:[value]     Specify chord error in Gerber 
                    input units.

-jobiduserstr:[s]   Specify Job ID string [s].

-jobidx:[value]     Specify Job ID X location in 
                    Gerber input units.

-jobidy:[value]     Specify Job ID Y location in 
                    Gerber input units.

-jobidsize:[value]  Specify Job ID size in Gerber 
                    input units.

-jobidrotation:[r]  Specify Job ID rotaion in degrees.

-jobidmirror        Specify Job ID mirror.

-nofrac             Disable polygon fracturing.

-modal_oas          Generate modal oasis output.

-grid_addr:[grid]   Specify ouput grid.

-tilesz:[x],[y]     Enable tiling with x and y size.

-top2bottom_cells   Used only if tiling is enabled 
                    write cell (representing each tile) 
                    references in the order of the position
                    of the tile (represented by that cell) 
                    from Top to Bottom.

-scale:[scale]      Used only if tiling is enabled.
                    Scale each tile in both X and 
                    Y by [scale].

-angle:[angle]      Used only if tiling is enabled.
                    Rotate each tile +[angle] degrees (CCW)
                    [angle] can be 0, 90, 180, or 270.

-translate:[auto | x,y]   Used only if tiling is enabled.
                          auto: Translate each tile 
                          appropriately so that the
                          centroid of the tile is 
                          preserved as it was before 
                          applying the transformations
                          (mirror, scale, rotation).
                          x,y: Translate x and y distance.

-eng_threads:[max]  Specify [max] number of threads 
                    to be used.

-other_args         Specify additional options for the 
                    Gbr2OasFrac engines.