Key board doesn't respond under Solaris or Linux

Our motif programs require a few libraries to be present in the /usr/lib/X11 directory.
Without these files the Motif programs part of this distribution will not run properly and/or crash. The necessary files are included in this distribution in motif.nls.tar.

The normal directory that holds files for native language support is /usr/lib/X11/nls. If you cannot create this directory, the end user of the MOTIF based programs should set the environment variable $XNLSPATH to point to the place where those files reside, as indicated here
sh, ksh


setenv XNLSPATH /usr/local/lib/X11/nls
The file XKeysymDB is normally installed in /usr/lib/X11. Motif programs will generate a lot of warnings and most keyboard accelerators will not work properly if the correct XKeysymDB can not be accessed. An XKeysymDB file has been included in this distribution in motif.nls.tar. The normal directory where this file should reside is /usr/lib/X11. If you cannot put this file in this directory, you should set the $XKEYSYMDB environment variable to point to the right file as indicated
sh, ksh



setenv XKEYSYMDB /usr/local/lib/X11/XKeysymDB 
1.) Create the directory /usr/lib/X11 if it doesn't exist.
2.) cd to /usr/lib/X11, i.e. make it the current directory.
3.) Extract the contents of motif.nls.tar with the tar command:
tar xvfo motif.nls.tar