"http://www.w3.org/tr/rec-html40/loose.dtd"> Sample Qckvu Script File

Sample Qckvu Script File

Below is a commented Qckvu script file that you can use as an example for building your own scripts.

# demo5 test script
# written by Steve DB October 8, 2001
# uses demo5.gds supplied with qckvu
# modify BOC 1 to reflect the full path to demo5.gds

BOC 10                               # each command is started with BOC
Open_GDSII                           # tells Qckvu to open a GDSII file
"c:\wcad\qckvu\examples\demo5.gds"   # full path and file name
EOC 10                               # ends the first command

BOC 20      
open_Structure                        # you should immediately select a 
"TOP"                            # structure after opening the file
EOC 20    

BOC 25                               
EOC 25  

BOC 28                           
Press F5 to continue ...
EOC 28

BOC 30
set_Layers_On                       # turns on listed layers 
EOC 30

BOC 35                               
EOC 35  

BOC 38                           
Press F5 to continue ...
EOC 38

BOC 40                           # now we zoom in on a small area
0,0,500,400                      # this command automatically forces
EOC 40                           # a redraw.            

BOC 45                               
EOC 45  

BOC 50                                  # the pause command stops processing
Pause                                   # until the user hits any key.
Layers 3,6,7 Window (0,0) (500,400)     # you can put your message here            
Press F5 to continue ....
EOC 50                                  # and it appears in the message window.

BOC 60                                  # now we jump to a new location.
EOC 60

BOC 65                               
EOC 65  

BOC 70                           
L3,6,7, Window (400,0) (900,400)       
Press F5 to continue ...
EOC 70

BOC 80
Exit                                   # we're done. Exit the program.
EOC 80

Qckvu Scripting Command Table Qckvu Unix Page Qckvu Windows Page