Extracting Geometry and Thermal Heat Sources for FEA Modeling of ChipsThe introduction of TSV's (through silicon vias) may require chip designers and packaging engineers to examine in more detail the stresses that thermal expansion of the chip puts on the TSV's connections.
Once this data is acquired, it can be input into a thermal simulation tool that then produces a temperature map or profile throughout the chip. Temp Profile to Expansion to StressOnce you know the temperature profile of the silicon chip, you can then take this information into a mechanical FEA tool, that together with the chip's material properties, can be used to compute the expansion, and if the chip is fixed (say to a heatsink or another chip) the local forces generated by the expansion. Effect on TSVSince the TSV runs through the length of the chip and is attached to a second body on at least one end, it too will be subject to forces due to thermal expansion. Knowing where each TSV is located and its crossection one can then predict the forces on the TSV that might cause it to detach from the adjoining chip or substrate. Collecting the Necessary DataWe are going to assume that you do not have access to some high level design tool, such as Cadence Encounter, that already can produce all the data you need. Instead we are going to asssume that you are "throwing over the wall" data from the IC designers to the thermal/mechanical designer. In this case the IC designer needs to collect the following:
Using Qckvu3 with the Heat Source Plug-InArtwork's Qckvu3 with the Heat Source plug-in is ideal for extracting the rectangle heat source coordinates. The flow chart below shows how we will use the program to collect and format the thermal data. ![]() Opening the GDSII FileFirst the GDSII file under analysis is opened and the display mode is set to show just the cell placement outlines. We don't want the detailed metal, diffusion, poly and implant layers. ![]() View of a Chip in Cell Outline Display Mode |
We now use the Heat Source Plug In to open an ASCII file (already prepared) that contains a list of cells and the power dissipation associated with each cell. The list looks something like this: TOPHSAB_HSABPD,120 TOPHSAB_HSABPA,140 RAM64X16$F36,20 TOPALU1_ALUDP1,230 TOPMAC1_MACDP3,120 TOPMAC1_MACDP2,105 TOPMAC1_MACDP1,110 MAC242455,209 G79S8F35,40 G79S2F35,55 G79S4F35,40 TOPXYOPMUX_XYMUXDP1,340 TOPXYREGBANKS_XYDP1,40 TOPSTATCONFIG_STATDP1,400 TOPCONDINTLED_DPCND1,110 TOPUCODETIMING_CODEDP4,35 TOPUCODETIMING_CODEDP3,35 TOPUCODETIMING_CODEDP2,35 TOPUCODETIMING_CODEDP1,35 TOPINDEXNOISE_INDEXDP1,105 TOPHOSTIINTFC_HOSTDP1,100 TOPDRAMINTFC_DRAMDP5,20 TOPDRAMINTFC_DRAMDP4,20 TOPDRAMINTFC_DRAMDP3,20 TOPDRAMADDR_DRADDP1,45 RAM256X24$F36, 220 G79S0F35, 205 G62S1F35, 180 The first column in the file is a cell name and the second column is a power dissipation. |
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Dialog Box Fields and FunctionsInput File - select the ascii list containing the list of cells and power dissipation associated with each cell. The file can be comma, space or tab delimited. Power - Power can be expressed as an absolute value for that cell (i.e. 250 mw) or as a power density i.e. 5000w/square meter. The power units must be selected (uw, mw, w) as well as the area units (um, mm, cm, m) if density is selected. Nested Heat Sources - if a cell in this list is referenced by a higher level cell also in the list we are faced with a quandry: are we duplicating a power source uneccesarily? The user has three options: Ignore - the program will not bother to check for nested power sources; Warn - the program will check for such conditions and warn the user but will generate all of the heat sources; Delete - the program will delete any heat source which is referenced by a higher level heat source. If the Delete option is checked, warnings will also be generated. Merge Heat Sources - if a user specifies a cell/power and this cell is placed thousands of times in the layout then the heat source file may grow very large and this may negatively impact IcePak's ability to generate results. There is the possiblity to merge a large number of heat sources into a smaller number. If butting is checked, then any heat source rectangles that touch or overlap are combined. If sizing is checked, then all heat sources are first sized up by the specified amount and then merged. The total amount of heat generated is preserved; however the source rectangles may include areas that did not "produce" any heat prior to the merging. Output File - the user selects the directory and base file name for the output. Three files are produced: an ascii heat source file suitable for import into IcePak, an GDSII file showing the outlines of the heat sources, a log file summarizing the conversion which will contain the input data (list of heat sources) along with any warnings and conversion statistics. |
Heat Source Output FileNow that we have all of the geometry, the final step is to take our cell placement outlines, convert them to ASCII and build a table that can be read into ICEPAK. Arwork can easily customize the output formatter to whatever syntax is needed. Here is the format of what the ICEPAK software needs to see: cell name LLx LLy LLz URx URy URz Plane Grid_0_0 0 0 350 1000 1000 350 2 Grid_0_1 1000 0 350 2000 1000 350 2 #Sources Rectangular Object name power_total power_total_units Grid_0_0 0.00240514 W Grid_0_1 0.00281215 W Once IcePak has this heat source file, the simulation engineer adds in a couple of simple geometries and their thermal properites and of course, the boundary conditions - for example he may "attach" the bottom of the chip to a copper heatsink, and the other surfaces interface to air. The output of IcePak is a 3D distribution of temperature. This distribution along with the material properties of the chip can then be used as input to Ansys where one compute a 3D map of stresses and strains. ContactFor more information please contact: Steve DiBartolomeo, Applications Manager, Artwork Conversion Software, Inc. steve@artwork.com, 831 426.6163. |