Informational FunctionsThese functions are used to obtain information: version of bool.dll, error coordinates reported by the boolean main function or to clear the error coordinates. |
QisBool_Version QisBool_GetIllegalPolygonIndices ResetIllegalCnts |
QisBool_VersionSyntax: char *QisBool_Version(); Function: returns a string giving the version number of the boolean library. Error codes: 0:(success)failure: non-zero value indicating that an error occurred during initialization. QisBool_GetIllegalPolygonIndicesSyntax:
void QisBool_GetIllegalPolygonIndices Function: tests a polygon for convex (in X or both in X and Y) and breaks down polygons as needed to insure that they are convex. A single source polygon can generate multiple convex polygons. Inputs: Outputs: pn - an integer that indicates the number of vertex pairs in the error coordinate array. pxy - an array containing the vertex pairs for the error coordinates. Note: Whenever n > 0, memory has been allocated for the pxy array and the user should call QisBool_ReleaseArray(int* xy) to free that memory after he is done using the info in the coordinate array. ResetIllegalCntsSyntax: void ResetIllegalCnts(void *bdll_handle); Function: The value of iiegalpolys[bdll_handle] is reset to zero. Inputs: bdll_handle - handle of the thread Notes Programmer - please provide some information about which function generates this illegalpolys value and of what use one can make of it ... |
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