Initialization and Clean Up Functions |
QisBool_CreateSyntax: void* QisBool_Create( char oError[1024]); Function: Initializes the library, acquires a license and returns a handle. Outputs char oError[1024]- string buffer to contain any error message returned by the function call. Returns
null - failed Note: Must be called before any other function, except for a reserve license call, is made. QisBool_DestroySyntax: void QisBool_Destroy( void *bdll_handle ); Function: Does cleanup associated with the library handle and returns the handle to the handle pool. It also releases all licenses taken by this handle. Input: bdll_handle- handle to close Return Codes: QisBool_ReleaseArraySyntax: void QisBool_ReleaseArray(int* Polygon); Function: frees memory associated with the polygon that was created by a prior call to library function. Inputs: Polygon - the array of XY pairs. Note: Use this function following: QisBool_GetSliceEdges QisBool_ReleaseSyntax: void QisBool_Release ( int*** ioXY, int** ioNV, int* ioN ); Function: frees memory associated with the array of polygons and vertices that were created by a prior call to library function. Inputs:
int*** ioXY- pointer to the array of arrays of polygon vertices returned by a prior call to the library. int** ioNV- pointer to array of polygon vertex counts returned by a prior call to the library int* ioN- pointer to array containing the number of polygon arrays. Note: Use this function following calls to:
QisBool_Booleanize QisBool_UnionMT QisBool_BinaryMT QisBool_PolyConvexing QisBool_PathToBoundaries |
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