QisLib_GetStructureVertices Function: int QisLib_GetStructureVertices(const char* StructName, longlong* NBoundaries, longlong* NPaths); Inputs: StructName: Name of the cell in question. NBoundaries: Buffer to retreive the number of boundary vertices in the cell. NPaths: Buffer to retreive the number of paths vertices in the cell. Return: success: 0 failure: one of the following values : Errors: -1: One or more of the input arguments is invalid (null). -2: File open in progress, operation not permitted. Description: - Returns the number of vertices for boundaries and paths in a cell. - Both values returned are 0 if the cell is not present or no GDSII/OASIS file is opened. - The number of path vertices is an approximation of the number of vertices when the path is converted into a boundary. - This function works for GDSII files only. For OASIS files, 0 is returned for both boundary and path vertices. Example: longlong NBndry, NPath; Ret = QisLib_GetStructureVertices("TOP",&NBndry,&NPath); switch(Ret) ... |