QisLib_GetImage Function: int QisLib_GetWindow(CQisWindow* Window); Inputs: Window: Address of buffer to retrieve window extents. Return: success: 0 failure: one of the following values: Errors: -1: Input argument is invalid (null). -2: File open in progress, operation not permitted. Description: - Retreives the extents of the current window. - The extents will be in database units (DBU) or user units(UU) based on the QisLib_SetVectorUnit setting. Default setting is user units. - The current window extents may be different from the ones set by QisLib_SetWindow because QisLib adjusts and grows the window extents to the same aspect ratio of the image size (QisLib_SetImageSize) when QisLib_SetWindow is called. If QisLib_SetExactWindow is used, the extents returned by QisLib_GetWindow are identical to the ones set.References: CQisWindow QisLib_SetWindow QisLib_SetExactWindow QisLib_SetImageSize |