QisLib_NewGDSII Function: int QisLib_NewGDSII(double GridValue, double UnitsValue); Inputs: GridValue: Grid value of the new GDSII file. UnitsValue: Units value of the new GDSII file. Return: success: 0 failure: one of the following values : Errors: -1: QisLib has not been initialized. -2: One or more of the specified values is invalid (negative). -3: This application is not licensed to work with GDSII files. -4: Internal memory failure occured while initializing for a new GDSII file. -5: File open in progress, operation not permitted. Description: - This command starts a new database using the specified grid and units as if an empty file has been opened. - Previously opened OASIS/GDSII file, if any, will be closed. - Usually, this call is followed by a QisLib_AddStructure call and then calls to QisLib_AddLayer, QisLib_AddBoundary, etc. To specify the current viewing cell after a cell is added, call QisLib_OpenStructure. Since the extents of a cell could be different after data is added to it, QisLib_OpenStructure can be called to calculate the new extents of the cell. Otherwise, the extents of the cell will be (0,0,0,0). - Anything added to the new file is added to memory only and can be saved to disk via a call to QisLib_SaveGDSII or QisLib_SaveGDSIIStructure. - All editing commands are available immediately after this call and there is no need to call QisLib_SetLoadMemory to turn ON editing mode when this function is called. Example: ... Return = QisLib_NewGDSII(0.001,1e-09); // Create a new GDSII file with units in micron and resolution of 0.001 micron.References: QisLib_AddLayer QisLib_AddStructure QisLib_AddBoundary QisLib_AddPath QisLib_RoundPolygon QisLib_SaveGDSII QisLib_SaveGDSIIStructure |