QisLib_ReloadGDSII Function: int QisLib_ReloadGDSII(); Inputs: - Return: success: 0 failure: one of the following values : Errors: -1: No file has been opened. -2: Internal memory failure occured while reloading the GDSII file. -3: File open in progress, operation not permitted. Description: - This function can be used to reload a GDSII file with a different QisLib_SetLoadMemory setting if a GDSII file has already been opened. If QisLib_SetLoadMemory is on, the GDSII file data entities will also be loaded into memory in addition to the load database. If QisLib_SetLoadMemory is off, only the load database will be loaded into memory. - Set_Load_Memory on is required for editing. - When a GDSII file is opened using QisLib_OpenMemoryMaps, this function does not do anything and returns success. - If the progress message callback function has been set using QisLib_SetProgressMessageCallback, the user's program will be updated with the latest progress percentage just like QisLib_OpenGDSII. - If this operation needs to be cancelled, use QisLib_Stop. This can only be done if QisLib_SetProcessEvents is turned on. Also, for Unix/Linux, the program's application context must be passed to QisLib_InitLib. Example: QisLib_SetLoadMemory(_QIS_OFF); ... Return = QisLib_OpenGDSII(GdsFile); if(Return == 0) { ... QisLib_SetLoadMemory(_QIS_ON); Return = QisLib_ReloadGDSII(); ... }References: QisLib_SetLoadMemory QisLib_OpenMemoryMaps QisLib_OpenGDSII QisLib_SetProgressMessageCallback QisLib_Stop |