Purpose Function: int QisLib_SetExceptionHandlerCallback(const QLibExceptionHandlerCbFnPtr HandlerFn); Inputs: HandlerFn: Pointer to a function of type 'void Function (int)' to handle a QisLib exception. Return: 0 (always) Errors: - Description: - This function enables the user to set an exception handler which will be called whenever an unexpected error/exception occurs while executing QisLib functions. - The parameter to this exception-handler function will be an integer code that will indicate what kind of exception occurred. The user can handle the exception accordingly. - If the handler is called with exceptions QISX_LIC_GDSII or QISX_LIC_OASIS, the GDSII or OASIS files currently opened will be closed immediately after the exception handler is invoked. Reference: Complete list of exception codes: QISX_LIC_GDSII QISX_LIC_OASISReferences: Complete list of exception codes: QISX_LIC_GDSII QISX_LIC_OASIS |