QisLib_SetGeometryMarker Function: int QisLib_SetGeometryMarker(const char* OptionString); Inputs: OptionString: "On" or "Off" or LAYERS where LAYERS="layer[,layer]" Return: success: 0 failure: one of the following values : Errors: -1: The specified input is invalid (null). -2: The specified argument format is invalid. Description: - Turns the display of markers at the first vertex of each geometry ON/OFF. - The kind of marker that is displayed can be set by QisLib_SetMarkerShape. - To display these markers on all layers, use "On". - To display these markers on none of the layers, use "Off". - Use the layer string to selectively show the markers on specific layers. Examples: QisLib_SetGeometryMarker("On"); QisLib_SetGeometryMarker("Off"); QisLib_SetGeometryMarker("1,2");References: QisLib_SetMarkerShape |