================================================================================ QISMRIP/NEXTGENRASTER 2.0 COMMAND-LINE ================================================================================ $Revision: 1.53 $ $Date: 2018/06/27 18:49:54Z $ (c) ARTWORK CONVERSION SOFTWARE (www.artwork.com) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- qismrip +input: +outdir: {WINDOW-SPEC} -format: [FILE-SETTINGS] [IMAGE-SETTINGS] [MISC-SETTINGS] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIRED ARGUMENTS :- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +input: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Specify a valid GDSII file to extract clips from -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +outdir: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Specify the path of a directory where the output file will be created + The output directory MUST exist prior to executing clipextract -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## WINDOW SPEC - Specify atleast one Individual windows :- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -window:LLUR::,,, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Specify a window using it's lower left and upper right co-ordinates (in file units) + The filename is used to identify the window and the file generated thereof + Final output path = + + -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -window:LLWH::,,, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Specify a window using it's lower left co-ordinates, width and height (in file units) + The filename is used to identify the window and the file generated thereof + Final output path = + + -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -window:CWH::,,, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Specify a window using it's center co-ordinates, width and height (in file units) + The filename is used to identify the window and the file generated thereof + Final output path = + + -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of Windows from a txt file :- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @window:LLUR:: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Read a set of windows from a text file located at + Each line in that file specifies a single window as ,,, (in file units) + Lines beginning with a # are treated as comments + The filename is used to identify the windows and the files generated thereof + Final output path = + + + -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @window:LLWH:: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Read a set of windows from a text file located at + The first line specifies the , (in file units) to be used for all windows + Each subsequent line in that file specifies the lower left co-ordinate (in file units) where a single window is to be placed + Lines beginning with a # are treated as comments + The filename is used to identify the windows and the files generated thereof + Final output path = + + < LINE NUMBER > + -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @window:CWH:: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Read a set of windows from a text file located at + The first line specifies the , (in file units) to be used for all windows + Each subsequent line in that file specifies the co-ordinates a point (in file units) where the center of a window is to be placed + Lines beginning with a # are treated as comments + The filename is used to identify the windows and the files generated thereof + Final output path = + + < LINE NUMBER > + -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiling :- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -tile:RXY::,,,:,[:,]* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Generate x same sized tiles from a region defined by it's lower left and upper right co-ordinates (in file units) + Optionally, if a set of , tile positions (1 <= I <= NX and 1 <= J <= NY)are specified, only those tiles will be extracted. Otherwise, all tiles will be extracted + The filename is used to identify the windows and the files generated thereof + Final output path = + + . + -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -tile:RWH::,,,:,[:,]* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Generate x same sized tiles from a region defined by it's lower left and upper right co-ordinates (in file units) + Optionally, if a set of , tile positions (1 <= I <= Num. tiles in X and 1 <= J <= Num. tiles in Y)are specified, only those tiles will be extracted. Otherwise, all tiles will be extracted + The filename is used to identify the windows and the files generated thereof + Final output path = + + . + -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -tile:CWH::,:,[:,]* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Generate x sized tiles centered at one or more co-ordinates + The filename is used to identify the windows and the files generated thereof + Final output path = + + + -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE-OPTIONS (Optional) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -layers: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Specify a comma-separated list of layer and/or layer:datatype to be loaded prior to extraction + e.g -layers:1,2:2,3,4:4,4:5 + If the datatype is omitted, all the datatypes for the corresponding layer will be loaded + Any layer:datatype that does not match this specification will be filtered out + By default, all the layers in the file are loaded -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -cell: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Specify the name of the cell to be used as the view cell from which clips will be extracted + By default, the deepest top cell is used as the view cell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -loadfromdisk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Throughout the execution of clipextract, access data from the file on disk + This reduces the overall memory footprint of the program at the cost of slower operation + By default, the file is loaded into memory at start and all the access is memory based in order to get the fastest performance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -format:NONE | -format:TIFF | -format:RAW | -format:BMP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Specify output format + NONE : Only generate raster image in buffer, no output to disk + TIFF : Write image as a TIFF file with packbits compression + RAW : Extract a raster image for each window and write them to disk as Artwork's RAW format + BMP : Extract a raster image for each window and write them to disk as monochrome BMP images (uncompressed) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## IMAGE SETTINGS - Optional -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -pixelsize:[,] | -dpi:[,] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Specify resolution either in size-of-pixel (in file units) or dots-per-inch + If the Y-resolution is omitted, the X-resolution is used along both axes + Default: pixel size = 1.0 file units (X and Y) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -dither:<0.0-TO-1.0> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Specify a value for ordered dithering using a 8x8 Bayer matrix. + The number of pixels drawn in a 8x8 pixel block for solid fill areas decreases as the dither value changes from 1.0 (all pixels) to 0.0 (no pixels) + By default, all pixels are drawn (1.0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -invert -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Invert the image polarity by drawing white pixels (data) on a black background + By default, we draw black pixels (data) on a white background -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -right-to-left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Reverse the direction of rasterization along a single row of pixels. The rightmost pixel on a given row corresponds to the min-x position in the data space + By default, the rightmost pixel on a given row corresponds to the max-x position in the data space -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -fill:solid | -fill:outline -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + solid (default) : Each polygon is filled with pixels entirely + outline : Only the edges of the polygons are rasterized. Inside is not -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## MISC. SETTINGS - Optional -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -thrnum: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Number of threads to be used for rasterization + Default (0): No. CPU cores -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -max-buffer-cnt: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + For better memory usage and multi-threaded rasterization, buffer input polygons upto the specified number of vertices (per window) before invoking the rasterizer + Default: 1,000,000 vertices + If set to 0, each polygon is rasterized as it is received from the database with 1 thread -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -flat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + If specified, do not find repeating cell patterns (slower) + Default: Use repeating cell patterns to speed up rasterization -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -log:] or -log+: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Generate an execution log (text file) or append to an existing text file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -silent -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Do not send progress updates to stdout/stderr. Doing so might result in slight improvement in execution time + By default, clipextract prints messages and progress updates to stdout/stderr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For backwards compatibility with NextGenRaster, the following usage is also supported.. +out: instead of +outdir: [-pixelsizeXY:,] same as -pixelsize: [-reverse] same as -right-to-left [-load2mem] opposite of -loadfromdisk [-window:LLUR,,,,] same as -window:LLUR: [-window:LLWH,,,,] same as -window:LLWH: [-window:CWH,,,,] same as -window:CWH: [-windows@] same as @window:LLUR: [-tiles:NXY,,] same as -tile:RXY: [-tiles:WH,,] same as -tile:RWH: [-roi:,,,] to be used with -tiles: **** VERSION HISTORY *********************************************************** ---- v2.1 (2018-6-26) ---------------------------------------------------------- + Compatible with QisMLib v3.20 (API break) ********************************************************************************