[Artwork] / [QisMLib] / [Programmer's Corner]
Command-line Reference
- Specify a valid GDSII file to trace nets from
- Specify the path of a directory where the output file(s) will be created
- The output directory MUST exist prior to executing clipextract
- Specify a valid stackup (text) file path
- Refer to 'Technology File Syntax' in qismntrc.h for syntax details
- Specify the seed point to trace a net
- A GDSII file containing the net data will be written at {OUTPUT-DIRECTORY}/{OUTPUT-FILE-NAME}.sf unless the -no-write option is used
- The seed point has to lie on a polygon that belongs to a layer associated with METAL
- Specify a text file containing seed layers and a set of regions to trace nets from
- The first line in this file is a comma-separated list of {layer} or {layer}: {dttp} associated with METAL. The seed points for tracing will be found only on the specified layers
- The remaining lines contain a list of regions {minx},{miny},{maxx},{maxy} to be used as hot-spots for tracing. The seed points for tracing will originate in these regions
- A GDSII file containing the nets data will be written at {OUTPUT-DIRECTORY}/ {SPOTFILE-NAME}.sf unless the -no-write option is used
- Specify the name of the cell to be used as the view cell from which nets will be traced
- By default, the deepest top cell is used as the view cell
- Throughout the execution of qismntrcapp, access data from the file on disk
- This reduces the overall memory footprint of the program at the cost of slower operation
- By default, the file is loaded into memory at start and all the access is memory based in order to get the fastest performance
- Specify the number of threads to be used for tracing
- By default (0), the number of logical processors in the system is used
- Override the default tiling scheme by specifying the number of tiles in X and Y to be used for computing data and tracing nets in parallel
- By default, NX,NY is computed based on the estimated number of polygon vertices in the home view for all layers participating in the stackup
- Specify the max Dx or Dy in file units for a rectangular polygon on the VIA layer to be used as a via
- By default (0.0), all rectangular polygons on a VIA layers are used
- Specify the lower limit of the stackup order for tracing
- The nets will not contain polygons belonging to an order that is less than this limit
- Default value: 1
- Specify the upper limit of the stackup order for tracing
- The nets will not contain polygons belonging to an order that is greater than this limit
- Default value: 65535 (or the hightest METAL order in the stackup)
- STOP-ORDER must be a METAL
- Specify the estimated upper-limit to trancate nets. The tracing for a net stops as soon as this limit is reached and such a net is labelled as truncated
- By default, there is no limit and all nets are traced to completion
- If specified, truncated nets will not be written to output
- Default: OFF. Even truncated nets will be writted to output
- If specified, net data will not be writted to a GDSII file on disk
- Default: OFF. All nets will be written to their associated GDSII files
- Turn ON driver detection for nets
- The stackup file MUST define a valid DRIVER_INFO section to detect drivers
- Default: OFF
- Return net polygons on-the-fly as they are being generated instead of returning them after then net has been traced
- Default: Polygons for a net are returned after the net has been traced
`-log:{NEW-LOG-FILE}] or -log+:{EXISTING-LOG-FILE}
- Generate an execution log (text file) or append to an existing text file
- Do not send progress updates to stdout/stderr. Doing so might result in slight improvement in execution time
- By default, clipextract prints messages and progress updates to stdout/stderr
417 Ingalls St. Unit C, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.426.6163 email: