Running drl2gbr command line on Linux

On Linux and Solaris, you will need to convert the Drill files to Gerber format. It is important to have the proper parameters ahead of time in order to get the proper conversion.
You will need to know parameters such as Gerber and drill units, gerber and drill format, zero inclusion/suppression, drill sizes, etc.
After the conversion, we recommend loading the drill file in gerber format along with one of the other layers and make sure they are aligned. IF not, you will probably need to change one or more of the settings on the command line.

drl2gbr command line

Here are all the options available with dril2gbr..

[hagai@asmsc37 drl2gbr]$ /home/cad/netex-g/bin/drl2gbr -h

Drill To Gerber Version 1.08 (RCS 1.77) 07/18/2007
(C) 2002-2007 Artwork Conversion Software, Inc.

dril2gbr [input_file(s)] [options]


   -list:list_file              Get list of input files from list_file.
   -scan:scan_file              Create a scan file with general information
                                of drill file(s).
   -out:output_file             Specify output file to generate.
   -startdcode:dcode_value      Specify starting dcode to use in dcode
                                assignments of tool numbers in scan file.
   -map:map_file                Specify map file to read for obtaining user
                                mapped dcodes and diameters to tool numbers.
   -drlunits:units              Specify inch or mm for drill file(s).
   -gbrunits:units              Specify inch or mm for Gerber file(s).
   -drlformat:format_spec       Specify format for drill file(s).
   -gbrformat:format_spec       Specify format for Gerber file(s).
   -drlzeroinc:zero_mode        Specify zero include mode (leading, trailing,
                                or decimal) for drill file(s)
   -gbrzerosup:zero_mode        Specify zero suppression mode (leading,
                                trailing, or decimal) for Gerber file(s)
   -drlxymode:xy_mode           Specify mode of xy coordinates (absolute or
                                incremental) for drill file(s)
   -gbrxymode:xy_mode           Specify mode of xy coordinates (absolute or
                                incremental) for Gerber file(s)
   -apttype:ATYPE,APARMS        ATYPE can be one of C,O,P,or R.  APARMS can
                                be any RS274X ADD parameter delimited by a ','.
   -offsetx:x_value             Specify x_value by which to offset x coordinates.
   -offsety:y_value             Specify y_value by which to offset y coordinates.
   -silence                     Runs in silent mode.
[hagai@asmsc37 drl2gbr]$ 

drl2gbr example

Here is an example command line for drl2gbr. You can also download the test files from the link below.

[hagai@asmsc37 drl2gbr]$ ls
drill_map.txt  layer1.gbr  run  test.drl  test.gbr
[hagai@asmsc37 drl2gbr]$ cat drill_map.txt
T1 0.006000 D200
T3 0.040000 D201
[hagai@asmsc37 drl2gbr]$ /home/cad/netex-g/bin/drl2gbr test.drl -out:test.gbr -startdcode:200 -map:drill_map.txt -drlunits:inch 
                                          -gbrunits:inch -drlformat:2.4 -gbrformat:2.4 -drlzeroinc:leading -gbrzerosup:leading 
                                          -drlxymode:absolute -gbrxymode:absolute

Translation completed.
[hagai@asmsc37 drl2gbr]$ ls -trl
total 44
-rwxrw-r-- 1 hagai users 6761 Jul 23 07:50 layer1.gbr
-rwxrw-r-- 1 hagai users  495 Jul 23 07:50 test.drl
-rwxrwxrwx 1 hagai users  214 Aug  1 21:12 run
-rw-r--r-- 1 hagai users  553 Aug  1 21:47 test.gbr
-rwxrw-r-- 1 hagai users   36 Aug  2  2010 drill_map.txt
[hagai@asmsc37 drl2gbr]$ 

drl2gbr download sample script Test file for drl2gbr command line Linux.

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