Revision History for MICVU

v1.68     (04/24/2009)

Error checking for input data

MICVU/W has a new option to check for errors in inut data. This was in response to an LA file which had a re-entrant polygon which was drawn incorrectly.

This implies the following:
1. Input data is always checked unless "File | Preferences | Check Input" menu item is unchecked.
2. Hitting launches Error Coordinates Dialog to view closed regions thar are suspect.
3. Error Coordinates Dialog allows for altering window size.

v1.67     (07/24/2008)

Micvu paint/scratch issues with Micronic files

MICVU didn't display correctly paint/scratch data of LA files created directly by Micronic's Job Planner. This issue was fixed.

MICVU Windows

MICVU for Windows major release. This version supports the latest Flexlm licensing and includes all the features available on the Solaris version.

v1.66     (08/9/2000)

Increase number of layers
ncrease of layer files allowed to view was changed from 4 to 32.

MICVU drops data in certain zoom conditions
Problem with large polygons being dropped after zooming in has been fixed.

More colors support
The viewer allows the user to choose from among 256 different colors for any given layer.

v1.65     (4/10/2000)

Bug fix to element clipping
An assumption was made that data was always sorted. As a result of this, elements whose first point was outside of the viewing window, would not be drawn, even if some of it could be seen in the viewing window.

Bug fix to querying
Before this fix, the viewer could not correctly query elements contained in a hierarchy level greater than two. This was apparent when the viewer was zoomed into an area smaller than the home view.

v1.61     (12/06/1999)

Fixed polygon polarity/arc bug
Some polygons that contained arcs in the boundary definition were drawn using the wrong polarity due to miscalculation of the direction. This is now fixed.

v1.60     (11/08/1999)

Support polygon scratch
Micronic polygons drawn in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction indicates addition and subtraction respectively. Version 1.6 supports this operation enabling MICVU to better emulate the Micronic laser writer.

v1.56     (10/12/1999)

Fix memory leak
Memory may be corrupted when nested Insert Cell commands are used within an Insert Layer cell. As a result, program crashed and/or hung. This has been fixed.

v1.26     (2/23/1999)

Bad Output from Plotting
Older versions would generate bad plot output under some circumstances. This has been fixed.

v1.24     (02/16/1999)

Add Legend and Ruler Plotting Features
- These features are controlled by a pull-down menu. Legend output includes a user defined text (127 characters max.), plot window dimensions, plot scale, plot date and micvu version number. If the user defined text is empty, "comment" text from the header of the active micronic file is used.

v1.23     (02/5/1999)

Redraw When Layer Change
- Force redraw when current layer is changed.

Current Layer Draw On Top
Previous version drew the current layer first, so it would appear on the bottom. This version draw the current layer last, so it will appear on the top.

v1.22     (02/3/1999)

Fix Zoom Problem
- If user zooms in at a figure very deep, line segments might change angle in previous versions. This was caused by inaccurate clipping computation. Accurate clipping codes are now used, so this problem is fixed.

Fix Initial Window Position Problem
When micvu windows pop up on the screen, it is supposed to appear at the same position where the previous micvu session was last appeared. Previous version of micvu always offset this position by a small amount. The offset distance varied from machine to machine. This problem is now fixed.

Change Transparency Plotting
Force to use default full transparency in plotting.

v1.14     (12/03/1998)

Fix delete bug
Delete object function did not delete selected objects if "unselect object" mode was in effect. This bug is now fixed.

v1.13     (12/2/1998)

Improve loading speed
Now takes advantage of the fact that MIC file data is in the same format as the current 32-bit UNIX CPU architecture, data input routine is improved to provide up to 30% speed up. [Note: this will not be true on Windows platform!]

Added a Second Screen Buffer to Improve Response
"Home view" of the data is normally stored in a screen buffer. When the user issues a "Zoom All" command, the buffer is copied onto the screen instead of redrawing the entire data base.

Previous versions used only one buffer. When the user toggled between "fill" or "outline" mode the screen buffer had to be recreated - eliminating the advantage of the buffer. Version 1.13 uses two separate screen buffers to store the home view of "fill" and "outline" mode respectively.

Remove redundant clipping codes
Redundant clipping routines are removed from the program and are now handled by the X-Windows libraries.

Takes advantage of sorted y-coordinates
Objects are sorted by their y-coordinates when they are loaded into the database. This version uses this information to improve drawing speed by skipping objects above or below the current view window. This optimization does not improve calculation of the "home view".

Added Simple Editing Functions
In order to enable the mask designer to make simple "repairs" to the fractured data we have added the following editing commands:

  • Add Polygon:
    User can add polygons ranging from 3 to 255 sides. Positive polygon is defined by drawing in clockwise direction; negative polygon is defined by drawing in anti-clockwise direction.

  • Select/Unselect Objects:
    User must select one or more objects to be deleted. User can also use "unselect" or "unselect all" functions to remove objects from the selection list.

  • Delete Objects:
    After user selected a list of objects, this "delete objects" function will remove the objects from the database.

  • Undo Edit:
    User can undo up to 15 edit (add/delete) operations. Oldest edit operations will be merged when more than 15 edit are performed.

Draw small objects with filter ON
When pixel filter is ON, objects which are relatively "small" on the screen will NOT be drawn. In previous version, a blank screen resulted when ALL objects of a file happens to be "small". This version ensures something is drawn on the screen by forcing an object drawn every 256 objects regardless of the filter.

Automatic disable filter
When zoom window dimension fall below 10000um, pixel filter is automatically disabled.

Limit zoom in window dimension
The minimum zoom window dimension is limited at 50nm.

Start up mode: Display Filter=On Outline=On
At start up, program is now hard-coded to be in "outline" mode and pixel filter is always "ON". In previous version, the settings are saved at end of session, and are restored at start up in the next session. This change is to guarantee maximum drawing speed at startup.

v1.05     (10/17/1998)

Updated so that preference setting changes are remembered from instance to instance; for example display filter settings are now remembered.

v1.04     (08/07/1998)

This is the first version released for use outside of Artwork. It is based on the WF2VU developed for IBM.