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ODB++ Text Support

Strings of text in the ODB++ feature file must be rendered by converting them into RS274X draws. The ODB++ font directory contains one or more font files. Each character is defined by a series of strokes in that file. The strokes have no width. A snippet of a font file is shown below:

XSIZE  0.302000
YSIZE  0.302000
OFFSET 0.000000

LINE	-0.100000 -0.100000 -0.100000  0.150000 P R 0.012000
LINE 	-0.100000  0.150000 -0.050000  0.200000 P R 0.012000
LINE 	-0.050000  0.200000  0.050000  0.200000 P R 0.012000
LINE 	 0.050000  0.200000  0.100000  0.150000 P R 0.012000
LINE 	 0.100000  0.150000  0.100000 -0.100000 P R 0.012000
LINE 	-0.100000  0.050000  0.100000  0.050000 P R 0.012000

Text Insertion

In the feature file one can see text insertions such as those for dynamic text shown below. Dynamic text uses a variable which is replaced when processing the ODB++ file. For example, the variable ‘$$DATE-DDMMYYYY’ might produce the line:DATE-30052007 if processed on May 30, 2007 but would produce the line: DATE16062007 if converted on June 16, 2007.

annotated text snippet


Revision History
