WMEdit Manual Header

How to Convert Map Format

Perhaps the most common use of WMEdit is to convert from one map format to another. In this example we are going to:

Our target machine reads SINF and it expects the following bin codes: 01-PASS, FF-FAIL. The wafer flat should be on the bottom

The TEL P8 File

We start by opening the TEL P8 File. (Remember one must specify the format in the Open File dialog). Here is what it looks like:

The TEL P8 file on display

Three Things to Note

Conversion Steps

Change the Format to SINF.

You do this by selecting the drop down button next to Wafer Map Properties | Wafer Map Format | Format and selecting the format "SINF".

Use the Map Properties | Wafer Map Format | dropdown to select SINF as the format.

Map the Bin Codes.

Our target machine needs SINF (in HEX) with 01=PASS and FF=FAIL. So we go to the Bin Code section of the Wafer Map Properties Dialog and change 32 to 01 and 33 to FF. The null bin code __ is the same for SINF so no need to modify that.

Change bin code 32 to 01 (PASS) and bin code 33 to FF (FAIL)

Rotate The Wafer

Our target machine needs the wafer flat/notch on the bottom - the data from the P8 has the flat/notch on the right. A 90 degree clockwise rotation will present the SINF map to the target machine in the direction it requires.

Click the Rotate 90 CW button once to move the flat from the right to the bottom

Our WMEdit display now shows the flat/notch on the bottom of the wafer.

after 90 deg CW rotation the wafer flat/notch is on the bottom as requested

Saving the SINF File

Now that we have set the format to SINF, mapped the bin codes to the desired ones and rotated the wafer to get the flat on the bottom we are ready to save the new map file.

Use the File | Save As menu pick and select the name for your new file.

Use the Save As dialog and save your newly converted SINF file.

Examining SINF File

Let's have a quick look at the SINF file to see what it looks like:

examining the internals of the SINF file

From the header we can see that the FNLOC = 180 which is on the bottom of the wafer.

When we examine the device map we see that the good die = 01 and the failed die = FF.

So we have met the requirement for the target machine.

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