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Symbol Builder

Like all PCB design tools, APD/Allegro uses symbol/pin/netlist as its basic structure. Symbols have pins and the netlist defines how the pins are interconnected. Therefore to move our data to APD requires that we create a mininmum of two symbols - one for our die and one for our package. Of course, if we have two die in a package then we would have three symbols.

  we must create symbols for APD import

We need a mininmum of two symbols - a die symbol and a package symbol


Preparing your Data

To run the symbol builder you will need:

  • to have drawn your pins/pads as either zero width closed polylines (for die pads) or as circles or donuts (for BGA substrates.)

  • to have drawn your symbol outline as a zero width closed polyline. It need not be rectangular but it must not self intersect and it must completely contain the pads of the symbol.

  • If you have text to label nets or pin numbers, the number of text labels must match exactly the number of pins.

  pads with net labels

Symbol pads with net labels


How It Works

The various functions of the symbol builder are easiest to explain in a short video. To see the video demo click below:

die symbol builder demo

Click to Watch Video