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UMC Wafer Map Description

Wafers produced by UMC may be accompanied by probe data using this map format.

UMC                        indicates UMC map file format
X410268                    lot ID
X410268-09                 lot ID/Wafer Number
X410268_X410268-09.UMC     file name?
ROWCNT 148                 number of rows
COLCNT 147                 number of columns
PASBIN 1                   bin code for PASS devices
NODI   .,X                 bin codes for no die (comma delimited)

The header is immediately followed by the map. The map uses a single ASCII character with no spaces between bin codes and a CR/LF at the end of each row.


We don't have a full specification on the UMC wafer map format so are working only from sample data.