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We call this ASY only because the sample files provided by our customer end in .asy. We don't know what machine generates these files and we did not receive any format documentation on this format. But it is simple enough to guess the various parameters.


Flat_Notch  : Down                  Location of the flat or notch (0=bottom)
Product A0000A                      Product (aka Device) ID
Lot A200000                         Wafer Lot Number                
Wafer 01                            Wafer Number
Date 2017-11-17 10:18               Date Probed (guessing)
Number of good dies 13199           Good Die count
Good die = Bin 1,Bin 1              Bin Code for Good Die
Reference die = M                   reference die marked with bin code M
Nlines: 145                         number of rows in the array
Ncols: 120                          number of columns in the array

Map Section

The header is followed by the map.
