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We call this EM(Map) because of the source of this map file along with the extension ".map" of the sample files. Again we found no "formal" name nor do we know what equipment (likely a prober) produced this output.

Based on examining the data we believe: .=NULL, 0=FAIL, 1=PASS, R=REFERENCE

WaferId: 811175905A2                           wafer ID; likely includes LotID and Wafer ID
Flat/Notch: Down                               location of flat or notch
MaxXY: 179 214                                 number of columns/rows
TotDie: 26809                                  total die (not including NULL)
Tested: 26809                                  number of die tested
Pickable: 23789                                number of die that can be picked


Notice that there is no stepping information or wafer diameter information in this format. Such data will have to be obtained separately and can be entered into WaferMap Convert's dialog to produce a more useful output map file.


The Unisem map format is so close to EM that we were able to use the same parser. So either format works and they share a common product ID.

WaferId: XXX123-00-A3
Orient: 3
MaxXY: 87 91
TotDie: 1679
Tested: 1679
Pickable: 1466
