The Gerber Union user may need to apply certain transformations to the data after Boolean operations. Gerber Union supports the following transformations which are available from the Advanced menu on on the gbrrunmgr command line:
it is possible to rotate the data in any increment. The user also defines an anchor point for the rotation. Positive rotation values rotate the data in a counter clockwise direction.
Mirrorit is possible to mirror in X, Y or both directions simultaneously. This transform is applied before any other.
Scaleit is possible to scale X and Y independently. Scaling is applied after mirroring but before rotation.
OffsetThe user can offset or move the data by a specified amount along X and Y.
We will illustrate the behavior of the transforms using a simple Gerber file as shown below:
mirror X means x -> -x; not mirror about the X-axis.
mirror Y means y -> -y; not mirror about the Y-axis.
Mirroring is performed before rotation. Rotation is CCW