Artwork Releases Bondgen, Bond Wire Documentation, for Cadence APD
November 2, 1999

Santa Cruz, CA

Artwork Conversion of Santa Cruz, CA has released Bondgen -software that automatically creates bond wire documentation from BGA designs done in Cadence's Advanced Package Designer. Creating this drawing now takes 2 to 3 minutes instead of the 2 to 3 hours previously required. Since no package can be assembled without the wire bond drawing, Bondgen is expected to signficantly improve turn-around time for new BGA designs.

Bondgen consists of two parts:

    The APD2AIF module runs inside of Advanced Package Designer (Skill) and extracts the locations of all bond pads, rings, die pads, wirebonds and nets. This data is written to an ASCII file called an AIF file.

    The Bondgen module runs inside of AutoCAD. It reads the ASCII AIF file and draws the complete bond drawing. In addition the Bondgen module does the following:

      Finger Numbering and Labeling - Bondgen has a very fast and flexible routine for numbering and labeling the bond fingers. The user can control the label contents, label orientation and size.

      Design Rule Checking - Bondgen checks each wire against the design rules. Any wires that are too long, too close to another wire or whose angle is not valid are marked. A DRC report is generated.

      Bonding Tiers for OLP - using a sophisticated algorithm, Bondgen groups the wires into bonding tiers - all wires with a common length that will be bonded using the same loop height are moved to a unique layer. This creates the proper OLP compatible drawing needed by the new programmable wirebonders from Kulicke & Soffa and ESEC.

      Title Border Annotation - Bondgen imports a user designed title border and helps the user update the text via a series of dialog boxes. Bondgen also automatically enters the longest/shortest wires and associated fingers. It lists all balls connected to power and ground.

A seat of Bondgen sells for $4000; It requires APD 13.5 or later and AutoCAD 14 or AutoCAD 2000. Bondgen is available for immediate shipment - evaluations can be downloaded from Artwork's WEB site. Contact: Steve DiBartolomeo, Application Manager. (831) 426-6163


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