New Automatic Wire Bond Software |
April 14, 1999
Artwork Conversion of Santa Cruz, CA has released SWIFT - automatic wire bonding software for integrated circuit packages. SWIFT automates the process of creating wire bond diagrams for new chip designs when placed into an existing package. Prior to the release of SWIFT, creating a wire bond drawing was done manually and required several hours of work for a typical 400 pin package. Errors were not uncommon because of the large number of pads and fingers that had to be connected. Checking was also done manually. SWIFT loads a package CAD drawing (using AutoCAD) and automatically identifies the package finger tips and desired bond point. Each finger is numbered. A die netlist is imported into the package drawing and SWIFT attaches each die pad to a finger. The designer can control SWIFT using a netlist or let the software decide the best finger for each pad. The entire process of adding intelligence to a package, importing the die and attaching the wire bonds requires only a few minutes. SWIFT supports bonding to power and ground rings and creates an OLP (Off Line Programmable) compatible AutoCAD drawing. SWIFT understands die net names and can be instructed to bond power and ground nets to rings and I/O nets to fingers. Staggered die pads are supported as well as interdigitated bond fingers. After bonding a package, SWIFT analyzes the wire geometry and reports all wire rule violations: length, angle, spacing and crossing wires. A 400 pin package can be analyzed in 60 seconds. SWIFT is ideal for companies that have a large inventory of existing package designs and who wish to re-use existing packages instead of designing new ones. Because it can add intelligence to existing CAD drawings the company need not redraw the package drawings. A seat of SWIFT sells for $2995 and runs inside of AutoCAD R14 or the new AutoCAD 2000. For more information contact Artwork Conversion Software at (831) 426-6163 or or see the WEB site at