lmutil command line options

We are now shipping with our software Flexlm version with Dongle support.

ArtworkFlexPkgWindowsV11.16.4_with_dongle_support.zip 10/18/2019 4 MBytes 64 bit

After loading the Flexlm zip file, you will need to unzip it to an empty folder c:\Flexlm.

You will find two subfolders: one for win32 and one for x64. Each folder contains
artwork.exe, lmgrd.exe, lmtools.exe, lmutil.exe

You can run lmutil.exe just like lmutil on LINUX in a DOS box. 
lmutil.exe contains the complete set of FLEX command line utilities which includes lmhostid and lmver.

[C:/wcad/GBRVU.v346/artwork] c:/bin/flexlm/win32/lmutil -h
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2015 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
usage:  lmutil lmborrow -status
        lmutil lmborrow -purge
        lmutil lmborrow -purge -status
        lmutil lmborrow -clear
        lmutil lmborrow {all|vendor} dd-mmm-yyyy:[time]
        lmutil lmborrow -return [-c licfile] [-d display_name] [-fqdn] [-vendor name] feature
        lmutil lmdiag [-c licfile] [-n]
        lmutil lmdown [-c licfile] [-q] [-all] [-vendor name] [-force] [-help]
        lmutil lmhostid [-ptype (VMW|HPV|PHY|AMZN|LMB|VM)] [-ether|-internet (v4|v6)|-user|-n|
        lmutil lminstall [-i infile] [-o outfile]
                [-overfmt {2, 3, 4, 5, 5.1, 6, 7.1, 8}]
                [-odecimal] [-maxlen n]
        lmutil lmnewlog [-c licfile] vendor new-file [-secondary], or
        lmutil lmnewlog [-c licfile] feature new-file [-secondary]
        lmutil lmpath -status
        lmutil lmpath -override {all | vendor } path
        lmutil lmpath -add {all | vendor } path
        lmutil lmremove [-c licfile] feature user host display
        lmutil lmremove [-c licfile] -h feature host port handle
        lmutil lmremove [-c licfile] [-tsborrow ] | [-tsborrowstat]
        lmutil lmreread [-c licfile] [-vendor name] [-all]
        lmutil lmswitchr [-c licfile] vendor new-file, or
        lmutil lmswitchr [-c licfile] feature new-file
        lmutil lmstat [-c licfile] [lmstat-args]
        lmutil lmswitch [-c licfile] vendor new-file, or
        lmutil lmswitch [-c licfile] feature new-file
        lmutil lmver flexlm_binary
        lmutil lmvminfo [-long]
        lmutil -help (prints this message)
        lmutil utility_name -help  (display detailed usage information)

Finding Flexlm Version of Specific Executable

To find the FLEX version of any EXE, or DLL you simply invoke lmver using lmutil as illustrated here:

[C:/wcad/GBRVU.v346/artwork] c:/bin/flexlm/win32/lmutil lmver gbrvu.exe
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2015 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
FlexNet Licensing v11.13.1.2 build 173302 (ipv6) i86_n3 (lmgr.lib), Copyright (c) 1988-2015 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This version of GBRVU.EXE makes use of v11.13.1.2