Clients often want to know whether Artwork supports specific Linux OS. Artwork installed and tested its products on the following Linux OS: RHEL 5.2 2.6.18-92.el5 RHEL 6.6 2.6.32-504 RHEL 6.8 2.6.32-642 CentOS 5.11 2.6.18-407 CentOS 6.9 2.6.32-696 CentOS 7.3 3.10.0-514 Ubuntu LTS 17.10 4.13.0-21 4.13.0-37 Ubuntu LTS 16.04 4.13.0-36 4.13.0-37 Ubuntu LTS 14.04 4.04.3-31 4.04.0-116 SUSE SLED 10, SLES 10, SLES 9 Other Linux OS are more than likely to be supported as well if the correct libraries are present. Please contact us with any specific questions. |