Download VC Redistributable 2015 Libraries from Microsoft

Several errors can occur when running our programs if the required Microsoft VC Redistributable 2015 libraries are not present on your Windows system. Some of the errors can occur during the installation of our tools.

Here is a typical error message during the installation caused by the missing 2015 library:

Installer Error Message

Another commonly reported error occurs when installing the Flexlm license manager: a failure to launch the artwork daemon with error 53. The log file will show something like the report below:

8:58:46 (lmgrd) artwork exited with status 53 (this status is reserved but will never be generated)
8:58:46 (lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, license server
8:58:46 (lmgrd) manager (lmgrd) will attempt to re-start the vendor daemon.
8:58:46 (lmgrd) REStarted artwork (pid 3732)


The solution is to install re-distributable libraries.


Download the Redistribution Library

VC_redist.x64.exe Windows 64 bit , 25 MB, December 18,2023

VC_redist.x86.exe Windows 32 bit , 14 MB, December 18,2023

Once downloaded, execute the self extracting file. You will need administrative privileges to do this.

If you would prefer to download these libraries from Microsoft, search for "microsoft VC Redistributable 2015" There is a release from Microsoft that will install 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 redistributables in one package.