ASM 2500W Revision History

v6.29    (11-12-1999)

Compensation bug fix
The compensation value specified in DXF2PG shell's "Configuration" dialog box was previously not handled correctly by the translation engines. The fix is reflected in PG intermediate output. Consequently, Electromask and Mann output come out correct.

Slivers in PG output
This problem occurred in a DXF file which contained narrow areas that converged into 10 micron high areas. This has now been fixed.

v6.28    (08-23-1999)

Feature Size and Min. Flash Dimension Check
If feature size multiplied by Scale is less than Min. Flash Dimension, a warning would pop up but still allows users to continue translation.

v6.27    (06-18-1999)

Fixed compensation in circular data
Compensation of circles was not working (reported by Andrea from Advanced Reproduction). This has been fixed.

Feature Size and Min. Flash Dimension Check
Feature size multiplied by Scale should not be less than Min. Flash Dimension. This version would pop up a warning if the check fails.

Flashes Smaller than Min. Specified.
Older version might optimize to generate output with flashes smaller than the specified minimum. This has been fixed.

Extra Point in 2 Vertices Trace
Older versions would generate extra points in converting a 2 vertices trace to a boundary. This has been fixed.

v6.23    (02-28-1999)

Self intersecting polygon were not detected correctly
Problem reported by Andrea from Advanced Reproduction. This has been fixed.

The optimizer level corrupted the output for narrow tapered boundaries.
Problem reported by Andrea from Advanced Reproduction. This has been fixed.

PGCAM - Snap settings are now saved

PGCAM - Highlight flashes
Any flash or flash vertex queried highlights ths flash.

PGCAM - Query flashes
Quering can now be done by flashes. Select one of the added menuitems "Info|Flash|Point" or "Info|Flash|window" to do this. The selection is done by center point, flash edge, or vertex. Jumping (hitting the tab key) from query to query will jump from flash to flash.

PGCAM - CAM features added
Features include:

1)Adding orthogonal rectangles and text.
2)Adding 3 point rectangle (not necessarily orthogonal).
2)Deleting loaded entities. (del key is shortcut key)
3)Undoing any CAM edits. ('u' key is shortcut key)
4)Saving edits done.

Note that cam features are not fully available in Intermediate format and could generate a program crash if working with arc or circle data.

Adding Orthogonal Rectangles
This uses a mouse click-move-click action set to define a rectangle. A user can continue defining rectangles until the escape key is hit. The layer to which any given rectangle is added is determined by the active layer displayed in the tool bar of the viewer.

Adding 3 point Rectangles
This uses a mouse click-move-click-move-click action set to define a rectangle. A user can continue defining rectangles until the escape key is hit. The layer to which any given rectangle is added is determined by the active layer displayed in the tool bar of the viewer.

Adding Text
A dialog box appears with en edit window and buttons for orthogonal rotations and mirroring. Depending on what things are set in the dialog box, a user can define a rectangular space, just like adding a rectangle, and the text will be drawn fit to scale within that space. A user can continue adding text simply by rubber banding the box where text is to fit. Hitting OK button will leave Add text mode and leave text edits in place, whil cancel will also leave but remove all text added since the text mode was invoked.

A dialog box appears with different selection modes. These include:

  • crossing any objects crossing the rubber band box are selected.

  • window only those objects entirely enclosed by the rubber band box are selected.

  • object only single items are selected with a mouse click.

  • Once objects have been selected, they can be either included or excluded in their selction via. the include and exclude toggle buttons. Deletion is confirmed by hitting the OK button.

    All editing, deletions and additions, can be undone via the undo function. All edits are walked backwards from the last edit.

    A dialog box appears displaying edited layers. Any given layer can be saved under another name. The job file is unaffected by this function. Only edited layers can be saved.

    v6.22d    (02-081999)

    Emask generating small flashes
    EMASK was generating 0 or flashes smaller then the minimum flash size defined. This has been fixed.

    v6.22c    (03-30-1998)

    Flash Overlap
    The user can specify the percentage (0%-50%) of the minimum flash dimension to control how much overlap there is to be. To change it, go to the "Configuration" dialog box and click on the "Mask Options" tab. The value underneath the "Percent Overlap" heading is what controls this. Its default is 25%.

    PGCAM - Fixed Display of Data With Small Flashes
    This situation resulted in the data not being displayed at all, unless the glass settings were large enough to compensate for the displacement. In this case, the flashes could be seen. This display problem has now been fixed.

    v6.11    (03-30-1998)

    Fixed bug caused by circles/donuts

    Updated the code used to handle the scanning of circles and donuts to eliminate program crash.

    Fix Bug when setting PG buffer to "disk"
    In Configuration | Output the user is able to tell the program to use the disk (instead of memory) to buffer the output data. When the user selected this option no output was created for Electromask or Mann. This has been fixed.

    reported by Kingsley Wood, Image Tech.

    Couldn't output Metric Mann or Emask directly....

    A bug in the GUI was fixed that prevented users from outputting metric Mann or Emask files directly.

    Force PG output to current directory
    All PG output file names specified in the layer table are forced to appear in the working directory. This was done to remove buggy behavior which prevented emask and mmask output from being generated, and also kept the viewer from viewing anything, even if only PG intermediate output was the intended output.

    checking size of .int file prior to launching EMASK/MMASK
    If file is produced with 23 bytes or less, it will be considered as invalid. The user will be shown the problem layers and be asked to continue or not.

    Added reasonable defaults to the Config dialog boxes

    Selecting a DXF UNIT defaults DXF grid in the following manner:

        INCH ==> 100000.0
        MILS ==> 1000.0
        M    ==> 100000.0
        CM   ==> 10000.0
        MM   ==> 1000.0
        UM   ==> 100.0

    Make MASK units consistent with Input Units.
    Under the Mask Options tab, the mask output units are automatically set to mils if the DXF UNIT is INCH or MILS, otherwise it's set to um. The user no longer has control over this.

    Revised Feature size default values in config menu
    The default feature size for English units has been changed from 0.2 to 0.1 mils and 5 to 2 um in Metric.

    Changed Scale function in DXF2PG
    The configuration dialog box does not allow any scaling to be defined for PG Intermediate output.

    The scale set in the configuration dialog box is passed into emask.exe or mmask.exe instead of into the d2pgxeng.exe, except for the user specifies intermediate output.

    Added a "search" command for the log file.
    We've added a "search" button so that a user can search for a particular word in the log file. This may be useful for finding warning messages.

    v6.11    (01-16-1998)

    This is the first release of ASM 2500 for Windows. The DOS version has been formally retired.

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