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GDS Compact Documentation

GDSCompact is a command line based program and should be executed from a writable working directory.

The command line syntax can be obtained by running $gds_compact -h


gds_compact inputfile outputfile [options]

gds_compact        full path to the executable

inputfile          path/name of the input GDSII stream file

outputfile         path/name of the output GDSII stream file

[options]          command line options

-h                 show the command line syntax

layers             a list of layers in the form: +1+2+3. If not specified
                   all layers found in the input file are processed.

-maxpts:4096       maximum number of vertices per boundary. range from
                   200 to 8191. Adjust this to whatever value the target
                   system supports.

-text              if this argument is present, text will not be passed
                   to the output. Default is to pass text to output.

-zwp               if this argument is present, any paths with zero width
                   will not be passed to output. Default behavior is to
                   pass zero width paths to the output.


/home/cad/gds_compact/bin/gds_compact                    full path to executable 

   /home/cad/gds_compact/examples/two_levels_deep.gds    input file

      two_levels_compacted.gds                           output file

       -mxpts:2048                                       max vertices = 2048

/home/cad/gds_compact/bin/gds_compact                    full path to executable 

   /home/cad/gds_compact/examples/two_levels_deep.gds    input file

      two_levels_compacted_no_text_nozwp.gds             output file

        -text                                            suppress text

         -zwp                                            suppress zero width paths

/home/cad/gds_compact/bin/gds_compact                    full path to executable 

   /home/cad/gds_compact/examples/two_levels_deep.gds    input file

      two_levels_compacted_no_text_nozwp.gds             output file

        +2                                               process only layer 2


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