Command Line Syntax
maly2tiff is command line driven. The syntax is described below:
maly2tiff MALYfile TIFFfile -dpi:DPI [options]
maly2tiff complete path and name of the executable
MALYfile complete path/name of the MALY job deck file
TIFFfile path/name of the output tiff file.
-dpi:DPI Tiff resolution in DPI.
optional command line arguments
-win:llx,lly,urx,ury Extract window in microns (OASIS units).
llx,lly (lower left x coordinate, y coordinate)
urx,ury (upper right x coordinate, y coordinate)
Default is extract the home view.
-layers:l1,l2 Layers to be extracted.
Default is extract all layers.
-debug Debug mode preserves various temporary files for analysis.