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QCKVU3 Lite Price

Qckvu3 Lite is available for GDSII (limit 1GB) and OASIS (limit 250MB).

License Type GDSII Base OASIS Option**
Perpetual Node Locked* $995 $495
Perpetual Floating (Local)* $1300 $650
Perpetual Floating (WAN) $2000 $1000


License Type GDSII Base OASIS Option**
Perpetual Node Locked* $5000 $2500
Perpetual Floating (Local)* $6500 $3250
Annual Floating (Local) $2100 $825
Perpetual Floating (WAN) $8150 $3125
Annual Floating (WAN) $2600 $1000

* Perpetual licenses require an annual support agreement; Annual licenses, support included.

** OASIS Option requires GDSII base license

A Local Floating License is limited to a single building or campus of buildings. To float a license between campuses or between time zones requires a WAN license.

Ordering Information

Please contact Artwork Conversion at 831.426.6163 or email sales@artwork.com to place an order.