QIS Client Changes Request

This section describes change and enhancement requests based on both internal testing and user testing. It is organized by release version and each request is assigned a unique number and requestor.

Version 1.0 07/29/05

Opening a File/Connecting QIS

Need to separate these two functions from the same window. The connection dialog should be separate from the file open dialog. (possibly some preference settings ...) Also, the display window seems to shrink - instead it should remember the size I used last. This is particularily noticeable when I close a file and re-open it ...

Reported by: Steve DiBartolomeo

Date: 08/01/05


Cell/Tree/Layer Window Pane Snaps Shut!

When adjusting the width of the window pane that contains the cell/tree/layer tabs, the pane suddenly and unexpectedly snaps shut as it is narrowed down. Please fix this behavior.

Reported by: Steve DiBartolomeo

Date: 08/01/05


Cell/Tree/Layer Window Pane should be detachable

the window that holds the tabbed cell/tree/layer should be detachable so that it can be moved to a second monitor. User should also be able to turn it off (say you wanted a big snapshot of your image ... you would want to be able to turn off or minimize windows such as this one as well as turn off tool bars.

Reported by: Steve DiBartolomeo

Date: 08/01/05


Window Resize causes displayed data to "stagger"

When I adjust the size of the display window (whether increase or decrease) the display "staggers" in small increments. This is probably due to the client sending the server multiple redraw requests as the size of the window changes. Client needs to be fixed so that it pauses long enough until the new window size is established (i.e. until I lift the mouse button) before sending the re-sized window to QIS.

Reported by: Steve DiBartolomeo

Date: 08/01/05


Center Mouse button does not PAN

I am expecting the center mouse button or wheel, when held down, to act as a PAN control.

Reported by: Steve DiBartolomeo

Date: 08/01/05


Layer Control Tab: right click to open layer dialog

I would expect to be able to double click or right click on the color/outline box and pop open the dialog to adjust the color fill patterns.

Reported by: Steve DiBartolomeo

Date: 08/01/05


Structure/Text Markers Not Linked!

Qckvu always linked the structure and text makers (it repeated the behavior of GDSVU) QIS client should not, repeat should not link the display of text and structure markers ... There are many times I want structure markers but no text markers ...

Reported by: Steve DiBartolomeo

Date: 08/01/05


SREF Markers don't Info Correctly

When querying a SREF, the info is returned as if it were a boundary. SREF info needs to be implemented.

Reported by: Steve DiBartolomeo

Date: 08/02/05


Toggling Markers On/Off kills Display

Open a file. (demo5.gds) Opened a structure inside of the file. Everything looks OK (in outline mode) toggle markers on (either structure or entity) display goes blank. Have to "reopen" the structure from the Tree tab. Each time markers are toggled display goes blank. Obviously some redraw issue here ...

Unfortunately, this does not happen immediately upon opening and displaying the file ... it only occurs after various navigations, info requests and measure requests. Therefore it requires some minutes to identify and duplicate the problem.

Reported by: Steve DiBartolomeo

Date: 08/02/05


Map File: Remember Display State

The "new" map file should include additional information that allows a user to go back to the state that the display was in when the map file was saved. In addition to saving which layers were on/off, the map file should include:

structure that was open
window coordinates
array (0 | 1 | 2)
fill (on/off)
marker state
display and structure filter settings

Reported by: Steve DiBartolomeo

Date: 08/01/05


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