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ODB_RIP Command Line Arguments

The ODB_RIP library can be executed from a command line application for simple OEM integration or for testing prior to writing your own calling application. The ODB++ Rip command line argument is as follows.


odb_path points either to a name of a .tgz file or to the directory name where the ODB directory structure starts if it has already been uncompressed.

work_path points to a directory where temporary files will be stored.

out_path points to a directory where the output bitmaps will be written.

step,layer points to the desired step to process followed by a layer to process.

ram_val indicates the amount of RAM to allocate to the raster buffer.

dpi_val indicates the dots per inch used to rasterize the geometries.


Optional Arguments are used to further control the behavior of the ODB++ rasterizer

Utility Arguments
-h                                  :a summary of the cmd line available arguments
-dbg[:<log_fname>]                  :Enable debugging
-log[:<log_fullpath>]               :Enable logging (default)
-nolog                              :Disable logging
-keep_tmpfiles                      :Keep temporary files
-reuse                              :Reuse temporary files if possible
-nocopyin                           :Use/modify the ODB++ as is (must be writeable)

Processing Controls
-ram:<ival>                         :Raster buffer size in MB
-nosropt                            :Disable Step-Repeat optimization
-thrnum:<+thrnum_int_val>           :Set the max number of concurrent threads
-unit:<inch|mm>                     :Set the unit of conversion
+rip[:<basename>]                   :RIP output (combine layers into one RIP)
-align                              :Align rip output
-out_scale:<default|sf|scale|local> :Set the out_scale mode of conversion
-engargs <args>                     :Pass args to odb2gdx (end with -end_arg)
-filter_text                        :Enable filtering out of text
-filter_barc                        :Enable filtering out of barcodes
-exclude:<stepnames>                :Set steps to be excluded
-excludel:<layernames>              :Set layers to be excluded

Raster Control Arguments
-pack                               :Output file TIFF with packbits compression
-tiff                               :Output file TIFF uncompressed
-bmp                                :Output file BMP uncompressed
-bigtiff                            :Output file is type TIFF (packbits - BIGTIFF) incompatible with -greylevel

-dpi:<dval>                         :Dots per inch
-dpm:<dval>                         :Dots per mm
-pixelsize:<dval>                   :Pixel size (in inch or mm)
-fineness:<dval>                    :Fineness
-complement                         :Reverses the polarity of the bitmap

-margin:<x>                         :Adds a margin of x units (not pixels)

-greylevel:<Lo,Hi,Drill>            :GreyLevel for low, high and drill
-super:<2|4|8|16|18|28|48>          :Super Sample Output

Transformation Arguments
-degrees:<90|180|270|-90|-180|-270> :Rotate the output
-rotate:<90|180|270|-90|-180|-270>  :equivalent to -degrees
-mirrorx|-mirrory                   :Mirrors the output about y and x axes respectively
-mirror:x|-mirror:y                 :equivalent to -mirror[xy]
-scale:<x,y>                        :Set the scale of conversion

Window and Extents Arguments
-extents:<LLx,LLy,URx,URy>          :Set window clip (in space transformed by rotation angle)
-window:<LLx,LLy,URx,URy>           :Set window clip

-extents:path\filename          a path/filename containing a list 
                                of windows. Each line contains the 
                                LLx,LLy,URx,URy of the window to 
                                be rasterized.
Special Options for Orbotech Emulation
-g2k_ver:<0|1|2|3>                  :Set genesis emulation version
-g2k_order:<0|1|2>                  :Set translation order (2 is no mirror)
-g2k_break_sr:<0|1|2>               :Set break SR on or off
-g2k_scale_mode:<1|2|3>             :Set scaling mode
-g2k_scalexy:<x,y>                  :Override .out_x_scale and .out_y_scale
-g2k_anchor:<0|1|2|3>               :Set anchor mode
-g2k_inch_anchor:<x,y>              :Set anchor inch value
-g2k_mm_anchor:<x,y>                :Set anchor mm value
-g2k_offset:<0|1|2|3|4|5>           :Set offset mode
-g2k_inch_offset:<x,y>              :Set offset inch value
-g2k_mm_offset:<x,y>                :Set offset mm value                     

Command line with job file

The executable also accepts the following command-line format:

odbrip_cmdline.exe "-jobfile:job_path"

where job_path is a text file that contains the following arguments (multiple jobs can be in the same jobfile):


Command line examples

The following example will convert step=pcbdata and layer=top from our example file sample.tgz to a TIFF file:

set ODBRIP=C:\WCAD\ODBRIP64\odbrip_cmdline64.exe
%ODBRIP% "-job:%CD%/sample.tgz" 

The following example will convert two layers (bottom and bottom_silk) to two TIFF files.

set ODBRIP=C:\WCAD\ODBRIP64\odbrip_cmdline64.exe
%ODBRIP% "-job:%CD%/sample.tgz" 

The following example will convert two windows from our example file sample.tgz to a TIFF file:

set ODBRIP=C:\WCAD\ODBRIP64\odbrip_cmdline64.exe
%ODBRIP% "-job:C:\WCAD\ODBRIP64\examples\sample.tgz"

The following example will merge layers top and top_silk to a single TIFF file:

set ODBRIP=C:\WCAD\ODBRIP64\odbrip_cmdline64.exe
%ODBRIP% "-job:%CD%/sample.tgz" 