Bondgen can quickly check the entire design to insure that all wires meet the assembly rules for:

  • length
  • angle
  • spacing

Attempting to check this manually is extremely time consuming.

Setting the DRC Rules

Unlike some programs which make you edit a complex text file, you can set the DRC rules with only a few clicks.

Errors are reported in both text format and as color coded symbols on the AutoCAD drawing.

drc3.gif Bondgen's DRC Dialog Box

Setting the DRC Markers

A second dialog box enables the user to set the error marker size, color and symbol. This makes it very easy to locate the problems and report them back to the package designer.

drc4.gif Bondgen's DRC Marker Dialog

What the Markers Look Like

Here you can see an example of what the various markers look like.

Click Here to see a screen shot of AutoCAD with the error markers showing.

drc4.gif Bondgen's DRC Marker Dialog

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