Installing Bondgen

There are two parts to Bondgen

Part I - a program called xyn2aif that reads the Xynetix Encore 3.0 database and writes out an AIF file. This program is a DLL plug in that runs inside of the Encore backplane. It must be installed on the machine that runs Encore 3.0.


Part 2 - a program called Bondgen that reads the AIF and draws your bond document. This program is an ARX/VLX that runs inside of AutoCAD. It must be installed on the machine that runs AutoCAD.

Installing XYN2AIF

Download the xyn2aif101.exe self installing .exe

Download the hostinfo.exe program

Execute hostinfo on your machine - it should return a hostid such as 0x56ab78000

email the hostid and a request for password and keycodes.

You will get an email back with the password and the keycodes:

password: munster
Make sure Encore is not running and then execute the xyn2aif101.exe installation program.

Supply the password when requested

When asked about licensing options, select Hostid - then paste your keycodes into the box for the keystrings.

The xyn2aif plug-in will be installed under your Xynetix root directory. For example, if your Xynetix root is, h:\heda, then the xyn2aif.dll will be installed:

                 |                           |
                lib                        config
                 |                           |
                 +---xyn2aif.dll             +---plugins.cfg

The plugins.cfg file will be updated to add the xyn2aif.dll function. The install program will add a couple of lines as shown below:

PLUG_IN(apdsg) bfname EXTERNAL
PLUG_IN(place,syseng,netexp) sdfreader EXTERNAL
PLUG_IN(place,syseng,netexp) cctruleswriter EXTERNAL
PLUG_IN(place,syseng,netexp) vispcbplc_plugin EXTERNAL
PLUG_IN(place,syseng,netexp) allegroruleswriter EXTERNAL
PLUG_IN(place,syseng,netexp) allegropropreader EXTERNAL
PLUG_IN(apdsg) gbroutput EXTERNAL
PLUG_IN(apdsg) dxfoutput EXTERNAL
PLUG_IN(apdsg) drloutput EXTERNAL
PLUG_IN(place,syseng,netexp) BrdStationImp EXTERNAL
PLUG_IN(place,syseng,netexp) BrdStationExp EXTERNAL
PLUG_IN(place,syseng,netexp) allegroboardimport EXTERNAL
#AIFOutput plugin V1.03            added by installer
PLUG_IN xyn2aif H:\HEDA\apps\nav\lib\XYN2AIF\xynaif EXTERNAL added by installer    

You should not need to do any of this manually. The installation program should be able to find the Encore 3.0 directory using the HEDA_HOME environment variable. It should also update the plugins.cfg file automatically.

To test if the installation was successful, start up Encore 3.0 and check the Export menu. You should see an entry for AIFOUT. Click on AIFOUT and a dialog box should open.

Bondgen Installation

There are two components to Bondgen: the ACS Libraries and the actual Bondgen program itself. The basic installation directories are shown below:

C:\ACS Package Tools
           |                       |
          Acslib                 Bondgen
           |                     --------------+   
           +-- acslib.vlx        |             +--bondgen.vlx
           +-- acs.key        examples
                                 +-- demo1.aif
                                 +-- demo1.tec


  • Download the acslib.exe self installing .exe
      I normally put this in a temporary directory called: temp. acslib requires a password but no keycodes.

  • Download the bondgen107.exe self installing .exe
      Again, this file goes in the temp directory.

  • Download the hostinfo.exe program
      Execute hostinfo on this machine - it should return a hostid such as 0x56ab78000. Email the hostid and a request for password and keycodes. You will get an email back with the password and the keycodes:

      acslib password : mustard
      bondgen password: ketchup
      bondgen keycodes:

  • Make sure AutoCAD is not running....
      If you run the install while AutoCAD is open, the Install will be unable to add the Bondgen menu to AutoCAD.

  • Execute the acslib106.exe
      This will install the acslib libraries and make a registry entry so that bondgen knows where to find them. The password is required but no keycodes.

  • Execute the bondgen107.exe
      Supply the password when requested

      When asked about licensing options, select Hostid - then paste your keycodes into the box for the keystrings. This will install the bondgen program and update the autocad menu files.

  • Start up AutoCAD.
      You should now see a Bondgen pulldown. Pull it down and Click on Start New Project. A dialog box should open up.

  • Bondgen Home Data Sheet PDF Price Download

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