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WaferMap Convert V2 Revision History

This page summarizes the changes, enhancements and fixes to the WaferMap Convert V2 program.

WMapConvert v2.31 08/19/2020

E5-1296 Fix to Map Writer

Corrects an issue when writing an E5-1296 file from an E5-1296 file related to scaling the size of the device. This is due to fact that the initial assumption is that step size units == wafer dimension units. This is not always the case so tests are made to "guess" the units and apply the appropriate scale factor.

WMapConvert v2.30 07/22/2020

New Format - SECS.TXT

Added a new output format - SECS.TXT. This was described to us as a format read by a pick-and-place machine but we do not yet know which machine. The output is based on a sample provided by the customer. Many of the parameters in this format are hardwired to 0. A small sample is shown below:



WMapConvert v2.26 06/02/2020

Multiple Map Warning

Added a warning dialog to WMapConvert when opening a wafer map containing multiple wafers.

Output File Suffix

Replaced the string appended to output file names when reading/writing the same file type with "_out".

G85 Map Reader Enhancements

Some customer supplied G85 files had inaccurate row and column counts. These values are now confirmed, and if needed adjusted, to match the wafer map data. This could apply to formats such as WWF, G85 and SEMI E142.

G85 Scratch Bin "S"

Added support for the ReferenceDevice ScratchMark attribute. This was an extra bin code definition, "S", which was present in the array but not defined as a regular bin code.


<ReferenceDevice ScratchMark="S" ReferenceDeviceX="38" ReferenceDeviceY="0"/>
<Bin BinCode="G" BinCount="1251" BinQuality="Pass"/>
<Bin BinCode="X" BinCount="502" BinQuality="Fail"/>

G85 Writer Added

Added a G85 writer which supports ASCII, HexaDecimal, and Decimal formats. ASCII and HexaDecimal will generate a 0703 version file, Decimal will generate a 1101 version file.

The Product ID for the G85 writer is 13710.

WMapConvert v2.25 05/28/2020

SECS/EG Writer

Changes to the binary SECS/EG output writer have been made in an effort to make the file importable into EG probers.

WMapConvert v2.24 05/21/2020

SECS/EG Parser

A number of errors were corrected in the SECS II/EG parser related to the correct orientation and positioning of the map data. These have been fixed.

Wafer Rotation

An error in the rotation function resulted in errors to the output map file. This has been fixed.

WMapConvert v2.22 05/14/2020

New Installer

A new installation program replaces the previous one (for compatibility reasons)

New Input Format - G85

The SEMI G85 wafer map format is now supported for input.

WMapConvert v2.21 03/24/2020

UF3000 Parser

updated to correctly different "types" of UF 3000 input.

UF3000 parser now uses the category data as bin ID. Previously it used only the pass/fail/skip information.

WMapConvert v2.20 03/11/2020


updated to correctly handle SECS II coordinate system in the bin data.

UF 3000

Treat invalid parameters values in header as warning instead of error so that the conversion still runs to completion.

WWF Units

WWF units handled correctly: MM for wafer dimensions, MILS for device size.

WWF Options

The option to generate a ShotMap is ON by default. Prior to this version it was OFF by default.

WMapConvert v2.19 02/11/2020


A GDSII layout file can now be produced from any of the supported input wafer maps. As this is layout, the user is required to include the die size/step size in order to produce a GDSII file.

WMapConvert v2.17 09/09/2018

Added UF-3000 Input Format

This version includes a reader for the UF-3000 binary wafer map format.

WaferMap Convert V2.16 09/03/2019

XYBIN (CSV) Input Format Added

Support for CSV (comma space delimited) with columns ArrayX,ArrayY,BinCode has been added based on a customer request.

1 digit Input Format Added

Support for a simple 1 digit (0-9,A-Z,_,.) array format (no header) has been added.

TSMC Map Format Output Added

Support for writing the so called TSMC output format (basically a single digit array with minimal header) has been added.

Test Bin "Quality"

The ability to write a test bin quality to map files that support it has been added.

WWF Output - Add WAFERS tag

The WAFER tag has been added to all output WWF files, even when there is only a single wafer map in the file. This was for compatibility with certain other map reading tools.

SECS II Conversion

The SECS II conversion sets the NULL bin to the first bin encountered with the NULL quality, if not otherwise specified by the user.

SECS II Bin Mapping

The SECS II conversion dialog maps bin codes to 2 digit values.

WaferMap Convert V2.15 06/07/2019

SINF to ATT Fixes

Fixed several issues in SINF to ATT conversion: location of the reference die; step size when converting from units of mils to ATT units; defaults to FAIL for unmapped die.

WaferMap Convert V2.13 03/07/2019

Added Support for Write to TEL (Tokyo Electron) P8 Binary

A new format was requested by a customer. The converter can now write TEL P8 binary files along with the associated lot file.

WaferMap Convert V2.12 02/19/2019

Added Support for Read/Write .A (ATT) format

A new format was requested by a customer. The fill suffix ends in .A and we refer to it as ATT. We currently don't know which machine(s) generate or read this format.

WaferMap Convert V2.11 02/05/2019

Added Support for WWF with Multiple Maps

WMapConvert v2 now supports WWF files that contain maps for more than one wafer. Earlier versions only read the first map file and ignored the rest of them. A separate output file is produced for each on the map files inside of the WWF.

WWF Field Specific Checks

WMapConvert v2 now checks that certain fields (LotID, WaferSize and DieSize) in the user configuration dialog contain only numeric values..

Bin Code Mapping for WWF

For WWF files with more than one wafer map, all bins are now listed in the configuration dialog for mapping. Any bin mapping set in the configuration applies to all the wafer maps in the input file.

WaferMap Convert V2.10 12/12/2018

Added TEL P8 Input

WMapConvert v2 now reads TEL P8 binary .dat files. In addition to porting th reader from v1, we can now convert a WA-XX-XXX.dat file without the associated LOT.DAT file. If no LOT.DAT is found in the same directory as the map file, the user can press SCAN and a screen will pop open where the user can enter the wafer diameter, flat location and step size for the device.

WaferMap Convert V2.09 10/24/2018

Missing Die Size

If the input map file has only step size (pitch) or only die size, then they will both be set to the same value.


The BinQuality UGLY has been added to the list of known bin qualities and will be used when the input format supports UGLY die.

License Fix

In the previous version, the product ID for EM and the product ID for STIF were reversed. This has been fixed.

SEMI E-142 Default Layout

Instead of forcing a user to enter a layout name when converting to SEMI E-142, it is set by default to W1. The user can, of course, overwrite this if they so choose.

Problem with SECS II Null Bin

When writing to SECS II, the program did not correctly map the null bin. This has been fixed.

WaferMap Convert V2.07 09/21/2018

WWF Input Addded

Support for Texas Instruments WWF (Worldwide Wafer Format) has been added as an input.

WWF Writer Updated

a) WWF writer updated to use a reference device to align the wafer and obtain starting XY indices

b) the MAP_XY section line length restricted to 72 chars. Longer lines were causing some WWF readers to fail.

High Resolution Display Support

The user interface dialogs and fields were not displayed correctly on high resolution screens when scaling is applied. This has been corrected.

E142 Output Fix

The E142 Parser/Writer handles NullBin information better. Prior versions did not always recognize the null bin definition.

SINF Output

When writing SINF, the parameter BCEQU list (good bin codes) is not delimited by a space instead of ","

WaferMap Convert V2.06 08/24/2018

SECS II/EG Support

Added support - input and output - for the binary map format known as SECS II and which is also used by the Electroglas (EG) wafer probers.

WaferMap Convert V2.05 07/18/2018

Added Unisem input support

A map file submitted by Unisem looks almost identical to the .EM format already supported. The only difference was the header for the flat location. We've updated the parser for EM to also support Unisem input.

WWF Output Added

Support for TI's WWF map format has been added as an output option.

Coordinate Transformation (Rotation)

Some target systems require that the wafer flat be in a particular orientation - typically on the "bottom." The rotation function enables the user to apply rotation in increments of 90 degrees so that incoming data with the flat on one side can be rotated to produce data with the flat on a different side.

WaferMap Convert V2.04 06/04/2018

SEMI E142 Wafer Attribute = Substrate Type

Added the attribute Substrate Type="Wafer" to the node Substrate Map. Required by customer's E142 import program.

E142 Parsing

Modified the parsing of the E142 input file to more clearly separate the physical dimensions of the parent or top layout from the child layout.

WaferMap Convert V2.02 04/17/2018

Added SINF Support

Added support for the SINF wafer map format to both input and output.

WaferMap Convert V2.01 04/06/2018

Added SEMI E142 Input

A new input format has been added: E142 (XML)

Added 1DIGIT Output

A new output format called 1DIGIT has been added. [Requested by Johnson Electric/Parlex]

Program Flow Revised

The program flow and dialogs have been revised to reflect the user's typical work flow.

WaferMap Convert V2.00 02/05/2018

Initial Release

This is the initial release of WaferMap Convert V2. It is an entirely new architecture that uses an internal neutral file instead of a direct format to format conversion.

This version requires a separate license for each unique input and output format.

The first release includes:

input formats: .ASY, .EM, .STIF

output formats: SEMI E142 (xml)