Nextgen Raster BenchmarkIn order to get a sense of the speed of Nexgen Raster we have created our own GDSII data file (which can be freely exchanged unlike most of the proprietary data we have on hand ...) which represents a 300 mm wafer mask commonly used for flip chip redistribution. Such masks are generally rasterized at 0.5 um or 1.0 um grid as they have line widths and gaps on the order of 12-14 um. ![]() ![]() 2.29 MB zipped; 6.26 MB unzipped GDSII |
HardwareThe hardware greatly affects the speed. The machine used for the timings below: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q8400 2.66 GHZ8 GB RAM 7200 RPM Hard Drive Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit Command Linec:\WCAD\NextgenRaster\NextgenRaster64.exe "+input:E:\cad_data\flip_chip_wafer\300mm\rdl_array_wo_plating_ring.gds" "+out:E:\cad_data\flip_chip_wafer\300mm\out\benchmark.tif" "-log:E:\cad_data\flip_chip_wafer\300mm\out\rdl_wafer_benchmark.log" -cell:WAFER -layers:2 -pixelsize:1.0 -format:TIFF -tiles:NXY,1,4 This will produce 4 separate TIFF output files. Each will be the width of the wafer (300 mm) and each will be 1/4 of the height (75 mm). ResultsTiming information can be extracted from the log file. NextGenRaster v1.0 (Jan 14 2015 15:16:43) (c) ARTWORK CONVERSION SOFTWARE Inc. 417 Ingalls St. Santa Cruz CA 95060 (T) 831-426-6163 (E) (W) COMMAND LINE: c:\WCAD\NextgenRaster\NextgenRaster64.exe +input:E:\cad_data\flip_chip_wafer\300mm\rdl_array_wo_plating_ring.gds +out:E:\cad_data\flip_chip_wafer\300mm\out\benchmark.tif -cell:WAFER -layers:2 pixelsize:1.0 -format:TIFF -log:E:\cad_data\flip_chip_wafer\300mm\out\rdl_wafer_benchmark.log -tiles:NXY,1,4 BEGIN RUN: 2015-01-19.13:26:59 . . . Total Time: 0h:0m:53.13s Total Memory Used: 2G 573M 904K END RUN: 2015-01-19.13:27:52 It took a total of 53 seconds to produce (and write to disk) all 4 compressed TIFF files. If reduced time is required we would recommend a CPU with higher clock speed and a solid state drive to reduce write times to disk. |
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