File Overlay Plug-in.

Revision History

This page summarizes changes, fixes and enhancements.

v1.03 VS2015 3/20/2018

Software Updates

This release was compiled with VS2015 and it is compatible with Windows 7,8,10.

v1.03 6/14/2016

Software Updates

The second GDSII file input's layers were not being offset properly. This has been fixed.

Two-color map was not limited to 2 colors - For this fix, the layer color map is only applied to the output if user selects "View output in new window" in the Advanced Dialog menu.
If it is not selected, 2 colors map is disabled.

v1.00 06/29/2013

Initial Release

The initial release of the file overlay plug-in (Also known as SFF merge because it was developed to compare files that had bilinear corrections made based on substrate target measurements.) This plug-in was designed with Qckvu3 3.42 and will not work with earlier versions of Qckvu3.

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