

Generating Wire Coordinates - Correct NJB Setup

If you are running NETEX-G from the command line manager (not the GUI) and you wish to have the engine process Gerber layers that represent wires, then you need to set up your NJB file correctly so that the engine will do this.

There are four sections in the NJB file that must be correctly configured:

    The LAYERS section must have one or more WIREBOND layers defined.

    The WIRES section must have one or more TIERS defined and may not have any wire entries.

    The WIRE_MODEL section must be present (though the values are not used.)

    The SETTINGS section must point to a least one file containing draws representing wires.

Example - PBGA2

To illustrate how this works we are going to use the example that has 3 wire layers and two conductor layers.

pbga 2 viewed from above

The STACKUP Section

In the PBGA2 example the wires are separated into 4 Gerber files -- these are placed at the top of the stackup and separated by a dielectric layer. After the wires comes M1, a dielectric and then M2.

1   W1  WIREBOND    0.025  Gold    0xDC983DFF 4.5e+007     1            1
2   D1  DIELECTRIC  0.025  Air     0x3FC604FF 1e-014       1            1
3   W2  WIREBOND    0.025  Gold    0xDC983DFF 4.5e+007     1            1
4   D2  DIELECTRIC  0.025  Air     0x3FC604FF 1e-014       1            1
5   W3  WIREBOND    0.025  Gold    0xDC983DFF 4.5e+007     1            1
6   D3  DIELECTRIC  0.025  Air     0x3FC604FF 1e-014       1            1
7   W4  WIREBOND    0.025  Gold    0xDC983DFF 4.5e+007     1            1
8   D4  DIELECTRIC  0.025  Air     0x3FC604FF 1e-014       1            1
9   M1  METAL       0.030  Copper  0xDC983DFF 5.9e+007     1            1
10  D5  DIELECTRIC  0.100  FR4     0x3FC604FF 1e-014       5.5          1
11  M2  METAL       0.030  Copper  0xDC983DFF 5.9e+007     1            1

The thicknesses we have chosen are not necessarily important to net-tracing unless you are going to do an EM simulation.

The WIRE Section

If NETEX-G is going to generate your wire coordinates for you, then this section must contain the tier definitions but must not contain any wire entries.

The tier syntax:

TIER  name  stackup  diameter  metal_layer

PBGA Example

Since all of the wires land on M1 which is stackup position 9, that is the value we put for the metal layer.

TIER   W1  1  0.025     9
TIER   W2  3  0.025     9
TIER   W3  5  0.025     9
TIER   W4  7  0.025     9

Notice that the creator of the NJB file is responsible for assigning the metal layer that the wires connect to (in this case, M1=9)

The WIRE_MODEL Section

This section is required though the actual parameters of the wire model are not used. So one can just put dummy values here.

- W1 0.025 JEDEC3 0 0
- W2 0.025 JEDEC3 0 0
- W3 0.025 JEDEC3 0 0
- W4 0.025 JEDEC3 0 0

The SETTINGS Section

If NETEX is going to generate your wire coordinates for you, then the settings section must include the pointers to the source of the wire data -- normally Gerber files.

The proper syntax is:

WIREBOND   stackup   file_type   path_filename

For our PBGA2 example (running from a directory D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2 our SETTINGS section would include 4 lines:

WIREBOND         1   GBR   "D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\WIRE1.GBR"   AUTO
WIREBOND         3   GBR   "D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\WIRE2.GBR"   AUTO
WIREBOND         5   GBR   "D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\WIRE3.GBR"   AUTO
WIREBOND         7   GBR   "D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\WIRE3B.GBR"  AUTO

Assuming all three sections are properly constructed, the NETEX manager will detect these conditions and recognize that you wish it to open the files representing the wires, perform the sorting and generate the vias needed to connect to the metal and the metal traces representing the wires in the output.

The PBGA2 NJB File and Results

In order to illustrate this we will construct an NJB file and then run the PBGA2 data through the NETEX manager. Below you can see the NJB file:

1   W1           WIREBOND    0.025000     Gold         0xDC983DFF 4.5e+007     1            1
2   D1           DIELECTRIC  0.025000     Air          0x3FC604FF 1e-014       1            1
3   W2           WIREBOND    0.025000     Gold         0xDC983DFF 4.5e+007     1            1
4   D2           DIELECTRIC  0.025000     Air          0x3FC604FF 1e-014       1            1
5   W3           WIREBOND    0.025000     Gold         0xDC983DFF 4.5e+007     1            1
6   D3           DIELECTRIC  0.025000     Air          0x3FC604FF 1e-014       1            1
7   W4           WIREBOND    0.025000     Gold         0xDC983DFF 4.5e+007     1            1
8   D4           DIELECTRIC  0.025000     Air          0x3FC604FF 1e-014       1            1
9   M1           METAL       0.030000     Copper       0xDC983DFF 5.9e+007     1            1
10  D5           DIELECTRIC  0.100000     FR4          0x3FC604FF 1e-014       5.5          1
11  M2           METAL       0.030000     Copper       0xDC983DFF 5.9e+007     1            1

9  "D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\top.gbr"  normal
11  "D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\btm.gbr"  normal





- W1 0.03 JEDEC3 0 0
- W2 0.03 JEDEC3 0 0
- W3 0.03 JEDEC3 0 0
- W4 0.03 JEDEC3 0 0

TIER   W1           1    0.030000     9
TIER   W2           3    0.030000     9
TIER   W3           5    0.030000     9
TIER   W4           7    0.030000     9

"D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\drill.gbr"  9  11

WIREBOND         1   GBR   "D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\WIRE1.GBR"   AUTO
WIREBOND         3   GBR   "D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\WIRE2.GBR"   AUTO
WIREBOND         5   GBR   "D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\WIRE3.GBR"   AUTO
WIREBOND         7   GBR   "D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\WIRE3B.GBR"  AUTO

Command Line

In addition to the job file, we must create a correct command line to launch the netex-g manager. (breaks are not present but shown for clarity) The output desired is GDSII stream.

C:\wcad\Netex-G\artwork\netexgmgr.exe                          full path to the netex-g manager program
D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\pbga_wire_example.njb           full path to the NJB (netex-g job) file
D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\output\wire_example1.gds        full path to the output file
-wdir:D:\cad_data[2]\netexg_ex\pbga2\working                   path to the working directory (files are normally deleted upon completion)
-maxpts:2048                                                   max number of vertices per polygon in the GDSII output
-arcres:22.500000                                              arc resolution in degrees for converting arcs into segments
-arcsag:0.000000                                               arc sag = 0 disables this setting 
-smoothing:0.010000                                            remove vertices spaced closer than 0.01 (mm)
-omit_extracts                                                 if extracts are specified, don't act on them
-outtype:gds_stream                                            output type: GDSII stream
"-dieinfostr:DIE 9 0.1 10.13 10.184 15.36 15.32"               die outline if desired. Argument must be double quoted
-cutlines                                                      use cutlines for GDSII polygons with holes
-sliver:0.010000                                               remove small slivers whose sliver parameter < 0.01
-padmetalfilter                                                suppresses generation of metal associated with padstacks
-textheight:0.100000                                           height of any text annotations
-silent                                                        run in silent mode (faster)
-nocleanup                                                     do not remove files in working directory upon closing of netex-g
-thrnum:4                                                      use 4 concurrent threads
-drillarcres:22.5                                              arc resolution for drill vias
-drillarcsag:0                                                 arc sag for drill vias
-genprofile                                                    generate a profile (i.e. outline or ROI)
-prfselwin:dataexts                                            compute and use data extents for the profile
-roi_margin:0                                                  margin to add to profile


If you would like to test/duplicate these results, the PBGA Gerber files and job file and command line are included in the file along with the resulting GDSII stream file.


Benchmark Files

Revision History
