More Map FormatsHere are some more map formats we've run across but don't necessarily support at this time. However we are constantly examining the demand for such formats and will add them as our user's requirements dictate. No HeaderThis file consists solely of the row and column bin codes. It appears that "." is used for the null bin, and various digits (1-9) for other bins. Based on the pattern it appears that "7" marks edge die, "8" is not on the edge but near it (no way to know whether it is counted as good or bad), "9" represents good die and "1" represents bad die. All the other information one would expect in a wafer map must somehow be transmitted separately. Header NONE Row Data Row data lines look like this: |
.....................................777777777777777777777777777..................................... ...............................777777788889999999999999999988887777777............................... ...........................77777888999999991199199999111199999999988877777........................... ........................77778899999999999991991199991919919991919999999887777........................ .....................77778899999999991999991199199911991119991999999999999887777..................... ...................777889999991199999199999919199919191191999991999999999999988777................... .................7778999999919119119991999999999991999999919999999999999999999998777................. ...............77789999991911911911911919999999999991191199119999999999199999999998777............... .............777899999911919911199919199999999999999991199191999999991919999999999998777............. |
Non Standard HeaderThis file has all the required header information plus a lot of information probably specific to the tester, but the header certainly does not adhere to any industry standard nor does the row and column ID. Header WAFER_MAP = { --> starts here WAFER_ID = "XXXX0.0.X-00" --> standard wafer map parameter MAP_TYPE = "ASCII" --> may be other options NULL_BIN = " " --> not really helpful ROWS = 169 --> number of rows in map array COLUMNS = 122 --> number of columns in map array FLAT_NOTCH = 180 >-- might be top or bottom X_FIRST_REF = 40 >-- X position of a reference die Y_FIRST_REF = 158 >-- Y position of a reference die X_SECOND_REF = 83 >-- X position of a reference die Y_SECOND_REF = 158 >-- Y position of a reference die SUPPLIER_NAME = "XXXX" >-- only useful if target format supports supplier FORMAT_REVISION = " " >-- not used DEVICE = XX000XX-X-XXXX >-- device ID LOT_ID = XXX0.0.X >-- LotID STATUS = XX0 >-- not used PROBE_DATE = 20160130 >-- not used WAFER_SIZE = 200 >-- dia in mm (even though units declared to be um) X_SIZE = 1640 >-- die pitch along X; Y_SIZE = 1176 >-- die pitch along Y; REF_DIES =2 >-- number of reference die REF_DIE = >-- name assigned to ref die TEST_TEMP = 30 >-- not needed UNITS = "MICRONS" >-- distance units FILE_TYPE = "WMAP" >-- FILE_VERSION = " " >-- BINS = 2 >-- number of bins BIN = "P" 14627 "PASS" >-- bin definition BIN = "F" 198 "FAIL" >-- bin definition DIES = 14825 >-- number of die tested? MAP = { >-- start of map
. = null bin A portion is shown below ..............................************************************************........ .............................******FFFPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFPFFFPPPPPPPPPPFF******........ ...........................******PPPPPPPPPPFPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFFPPPPPPPPPPPPPF******....... ..........................*****FFPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFFPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP*****....... |
Unintelligible HeaderThis file has a 4 line header but the the data seems intended to identify the wafer. I've substituted the actual characters/numerals for arbitrary ones but even the original values supplied by the client don't tell you anything about the wafer or die. Header XXX X0X000.0X X0X000.0X-00 X0X00000.XXX Map Data
. = null bin ............................XXXXXX..................................... .....................X111111X11111X1X11X1X............................. .................11111111111X11111X11X1111XXXX......................... ..............X11111111111111111X111111111X111X1X...................... ...........1111XX11X111111111X11111111111X111X11111..................... .........11111111111111X1111111111111111111111111111X................... .......X1111111111111111111111111111X1111111111111111XX................. |
XML IBISThis is an XML format (identified as IBIS at the beginning). <?xml version="1.0"?> <IBIS_WAFER_DATA> identifies as an IBIS wafer data <HEADER> start of header section <WAFER_OCR_ID>TESTW07F1</WAFER_OCR_ID> wafer ID - OCR readable on wafer/frame <WAFER_BATCH_ID>TEST</WAFER_BATCH_ID> <WAFER>07</WAFER> wafer number <PRODUCT>TYPE1</PRODUCT> product ID <DEVICE>DEVICE1</DEVICE> Device identification <XSTEP>1.153000</XSTEP> X stepping (units in mm??) <YSTEP>1.153000</YSTEP> Y stepping (units in mm??) <FLAT_LOCATION>90</FLAT_LOCATION> flat is on left side <FLAT_TYPE>N</FLAT_TYPE> guessing that N = notch <XREF></XREF> don't know <YREF></YREF> don't know <XDELTA>0</XDELTA> don't know <YDELTA>0</YDELTA> don't know <PRQUAD>1</PRQUAD> probe quad start <COQUAD>1</COQUAD> coordinate quad reference <DATE>11-10-2016</DATE> <TIME>12:01:00</TIME> <DIFF_CTR_ABR>XXX</DIFF_CTR_ABR> don't know <PROBER>MAPWIZARD_1.7.1.1</PROBER> prober/software used to generate <CEPT_12NC>NO_CEPT</CEPT_12NC> don't know <SLDI_12NC>NO_SLDI</SLDI_12NC> don't know <FIRST_DIE>29,33</FIRST_DIE> array position of first die probed? <XOFFSET>143</XOFFSET> don't know <YOFFSET>33</YOFFSET> don't know <BIN_COUNT_PASS>19634</BIN_COUNT_PASS> count of die that passed <WAFER_SIZE>200</WAFER_SIZE> wafer diameter <WAFER_UNIT>MMT</WAFER_UNIT> units of wafer <BIN_CODE PASS="1" PASS_2="2" OTP="3" IREF="*" OPTICAL_PASS="?" UGLYDIE="/" EDGEDIE="-" SKIPDIE=":" BIN206="?" BIN205="?" bin53="]" BIN59="?" OPTIREJ=";" OUTSIDE="." > </BIN_CODE> <COLUMN_COUNT>171</COLUMN_COUNT> number of columns in the matrix <ROW_COUNT>171</ROW_COUNT> number of rows in the matrix <DIE_SPACING_CX>0</DIE_SPACING_CX> don't know - street? <DIE_SPACING_CY>0</DIE_SPACING_CY> don't know - street? </HEADER> After the header section comes the XML markup: <WAFER_MAP> which is followed by an continuous "stream" of ASCII bin codes with no spacing. It is the responsibility of the reading software to break these into chunks of 171 codes per row since that is the declared row width. the stream of bin ID's is terminated with: </WAFER_MAP> </IBIS_WAFER_DATA> The stream of bin ID's sums to 29,241 characters so this matches the array size of 171 x 171. |
Cascade PA200The Cascade Microtech .map file is an ASCII text file containing various sections including:
[Wafer] [Bin] [Die] [Process] It has an unusual map structure. Instead of reporting the bin codes in a 2D array it merely lists their order in the array -- but one has to know the "path" that the prober follows in order to associate the die with its correct position in the array.
Binary Map FormatsUnless one has documentation from the binary file creator, it is very difficult to extract useful information from just a sample file. However in one case we were able to reverse engineer the map data (though not all the other data as we did not have the encoding information) The file has a name in the form: wafer.dat When we examined it in a hex editor we see something like this: Other than some ASCII text in the beginning there's not much to see except some repeating values that are likely the die ID's in some sort of array. After some educated guessing and experimentation we were able to extract that section of the binary file and convert it into an ASCII equivalent which I show at full screen below: and here are a few of the top rows where you can see the edge die (N) the good die (A) and the knocked-out die (-). |
Electroglas ProberWe received a pair of files that originated from an Electroglas EG-1 prober. Header File I've added carriage returns to make the data more man-readable. Annotations in italics are mine. 4 no idea what this is diameter=200000, wafer diameter, 200,000 um refDieOffsetX=0, refDieOffsetY=0, dieSizeCX=1835, die size X units look like um dieSizeCY=2979, die size Y units look like um dieSpacingCX=0, maybe a street width? dieSpacingCY=0 maybe a street width? missing comma? flatOrNotch=1, presence of a flat or notch (1=true 0=false? FlatAngle=0, maybe 0=bottom? UseSecondaryFlat=0, secondFlatAngle=0, numRows=73, number of rows numCols=115, number of columns in map array orloc=4, praxi=1 NullBinCode=255, MCSVectorX=57, MCSVectorY=36, MCSFactorX=-1, MCSFactorY=-1, RefDieX=0, RefDieY=0, numBinGroup=15 number of bin groups to follow Now its not entirely clear what is going on below. The descriptions make sense; the values ranging from 0-255 imply that the binary file is using a full byte to identify each device. What is not clear is the meaning of the first large number e.g. 16579836 Unused_Bingroup ,16579836,0,101,200-250,255,None Good_Bingroup ,3182592,1,GOOD Good1_BinGroup ,3182592,100,GOOD Hex=64 OS_Bingroup ,7111856,2,BAD Hex=02 OS2_Bingroup ,7111856,102,BAD Hex=02 PAD_Bingroup ,5263520,3-5,BAD VDD_Bingroup ,9449616,6-7,BAD IDDQ_Bingroup ,33020,11,BAD Hex=0B IDD_Bingroup ,49344,12-13,BAD Bad_Bingroup ,3158204,8-10,14-99,BAD Bad2_Bingroup ,3158204,103-199,BAD Edge_Dies ,6303744,254,None Hex=FE Edge_Parallel ,10521680,253,None Hex=FD Clamp ,49344,252,None Hex=FC Flat ,11053224,251,None Hex=FB WaferID=A99999-99-A9, I've obsfucated the real Wafer ID but ProdId=Aaaaaaaa Aa9/Aaa, numerals and characters/case are preserved LotID=A99999,OPID=9, TSID=9,TSIP=Aaaaaa, DeviceID= ProbeCardID=AA9999.99, ProberName=EG-1, LoadBoardName=, LotRcpID=LR_Probe, WafRcpID=WR_Probe GoodCount=4886, BadCount=430, UglyCount=0, TouchDown=176981, ProductSource=Remote Drive, TesterMsg= FirstDieX=-9, FirstDieY=32, FirstDieBin=2, SCXRefOffset=372, SCYRefOffset=-211, WaferStartTime=20160606.094448, WaferEndTime=20160606.202125 and now on to the binary map data. The file suffix ends in .MAP. The data is binary. I've greyed out the Wafer ID but it matches what we found in the .XTR file If we assume that 255 (FF) is a placeholder for no die, and 254(FE) is edge die as it appears from the header then we would expect to see FF followed by FE on the left and then again on the right. |
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