Qckvu3 Web Page Header

Downloading Qckvu3 (Linux)

You can download Qckvu3 layout viewer for Linux from this page.

Requesting Password and License Strings

Prior to downloading you should contact Artwork and request the following information:

Please provide your complete contact information including name, address, company, tel, email and a reason for requesting an evaluation. Failure to do so will delay receipt of passwords and license strings.

Sample Email



Re: Qckvu3 Layout Viewer Evaluation

Dear Hagai,

I would like to evaulate the Qckvu3 layout viewer on Linux. (I am running Centos 64)

Please send me the download password, install password and temporary license strings.

I got my machine's hostid using the lmhostid utility:


I plan to use the program together with my own application for inspecting hot spots from a GDSII data base.


John Boy
International Harvesting and IC Design
10087 Champion Way Bldg 43
Topeka Kansas 09323
Tel (450) 132-2213 Fax(450)132-2113


Linux RH4 64 bit


v3.88b 11/25/2021 54 MB

Linux Hostid License Utility


Execute this utility on your Linux machine and send us the hostid it reports so we can generate a license string.