Tcl/Tkl Example III

Now that we have Qckvu under socket control we will issue some additional commands and see how it responds.

Changing the Nesting Level

nesting level to 1

We'll send the nestting level command with an argument of 1. This tells Qckvu only to display entities at the current level of hierarchy (i.e. no child structures ...) Then we'll send the redraw command.

The display is redrawn and you see only the entities that are part of the top level structure.



Now let's set the nesting level back to 0 (i.e. all levels are shown) and lets zoom into a window region of the chip.

After the redraw command is issued, the display zooms into the desired region.


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API Commands general commands set_ commands get_ commands
Format Defintions Bitmap Format Primitive Format Tcl/Tkl Example