
Command Line Syntax

The InkRaster executable is controlled by a command line. The syntax is shown below:

inkraster64.exe   <input>  -out:<outfile>  [optional arguments]


inkraster64.exe                          full path to the executable

input                                    input Gerber file (RS274X). appears
                                         to require a full path - does not
                                         work with relative or no path.

-out:outfile                             full path to the output bitmap file
                                         no file extension needed; it will be
                                         added based on output file type.

Optional Arguments

-h                                       display the command line syntax

-bmp                                     output monochrome BMP - otherwise
                                         defaults to monochrome TIFF (packbits)

-workdir:<dir>                           working directory for temporary files
                                         does not appear to be an "optional" argument.

-log:<filename>                          full path to the log file

-thrnum:N                                number of concurrent threads to use

-dpi:<val>[,<val>]                       DPI - single value or X,Y value

-droplet:<size>                          droplet diameter (value in units defined with the -unit command line option)

-coverage:<fill>,<edge>                  ink coverage parameters (0-1) for
                                         the interior (fill) and the periphery
                                         (edge) Details

-compensate:<fill>,<edge>                droplet compensation values for interior
                                         and edge. Details

-window:<minX,minY,maxX,maxY>            rasterize this window only. (in input units)

-mirror:<x|y|xy>                         mirror about X or Y axis or both X and Y

-rotate:<X>                              rotate X degrees (CCW for positive values)

-scale:<val>[,<val>]                     scale the data (independent X and Y if desired)

-margin:<val>[,val][px]                  when no window is defined the data extents
                                         will be computed. Use the margin to add area around
                                         the data extents. A single value is applied around 
                                         all edges of the extents. If two values are 
                                         specified one can control the left/right and top/ 
                                         bottom margin independently. If all 4 values are specified
                                         they apply to left,right,top and bottom respectively.
                                         Margin values are in: input file units if -unit is not
                                         used; the setting for -unit if it is specified; in pixels
                                         if the last margin value is followed by px.

-reversal                                reverse the polarity of the input data and clip to 
                                         extents (or window or extents plus margin)
-inverse                                 Inverse output. The program converts the digitized data as is to raster 
                                         and then reverses the value of each pixel in the output file.

-minfeature:<size>                       minimum geometry feature size (features 
                                         below this value will not be rasterized.) 
                                         Defaults to [droplet dia]/2

-unit: mm | um | inch | mil              sets the units for the following other arguments:
                                         -droplet, -minfeature, -window, -margin, -border,
                                         -offset, -anchor

                                         this argument is optional. If not used, units
                                         match those of the input Gerber file.

-keep_tmp                                keep temporary working files. Default is 
                                         to delete them when program is complete.

-silent                                  run in silent mode - i.e. no progress

-drop                                    OK to drop narrow features - disables the 
                                         narrow line recovery module.

-extent                                  computes the data extents and writes the results
                                         to the output file. (No rasterization)

Command Line Examples

Here is an example where the command line (located in the current directory) processes a Gerber file also located in the current directory. There are two sub-directories in the current directory: "output folder" is for the output bitmap and "working files" will hold the temporary working files. The output will be TIFF packbits since that is the default output.

C:\wcad\inkraster64\inkraster64.exe             full path to executable

   %CD%\demo1.gbr                               input file (%CD% is current directory)

     "-out:%CD%\output folder\demo1.tif"        output file (note quotes for paths 
                                                or file names with spaces.)

        "-workdir:%CD%\working files"           working directory.

           -log:%CD%\output folder\demo1.log    log file

             -dpi:1050                          DPI setting

              -droplet:0.060                    droplet diameter in Gerber input units

                -coverage:0.5,1                 ink coverage parameters

                  -offset:1,0.5                 droplet offset (0.5 for outer
                                                edge is standard usage)

How to Get the Extents of a Gerber File

C:\wcad\inkraster64\inkraster64.exe             full path to executable

   %CD%\demo1.gbr                               input file (%CD% is current directory)

    -workdir:\%CD%\working                      working directory for temp files

     "-out:%CD%\output folder\demo1"            output file (note quotes for paths 
                                                or file names with spaces.)
        -extent                                 compute data extents and write to output file. 

The results will be a text file (demo1.txt) that contains the lower left and upper right extents:

-10.505000 -3.995000 12.755000 21.995000

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