After installing the release package you should see a directory hierarchy like the one shown below:
artwork - this directory contains all of Artwork's required libraries, support modules, resource files and such. They are grouped this way so that an OEM can keep all of Artwork's deliverables in a single directory separate from the OEM's binaries.
bin - this is where the "calling application" would be located. We have put our example calling programs here.
documentation - not really full documentation. Just a summary of the command line for the sample calling program.
EXAMPLES - where we've put the sample Gerber files and batch files and where the results will appear.
gbrunion_dll_sample_vs2015 - the source code, headers, resource files and project files for the sample calling application.
include - the headers to be included when building the project.
lib - the two gbrunion library files - 32 and 64 bit