Convert DXF to Gerber (RS274X) photoplotter code. Includes reverse translator and Gerber viewer.
A 2D Boolean library for use by AutoCAD application developers. Requires that you are able to export the "polygons" to memory; Once in memory they can be operated on by this library. The user then retrieves the results from memory and load into AutoCAD. Requires understanding and use of AutoCAD's APIs.
A library that "recovers" arcs lost during Boolean operations. This enables a user to perform a Boolean operation such as unionization (Boolean operations don't work directly with arcs) and then "recover" arcs afterwards.
Describes the basic drawing rules and setup to successfully create printed circuit board artwork using AutoCAD. Recommended reading before you start drawing.
How to layout your micro-fluidic circuits in AutoCAD to enable fast and efficient mask writing.